Questions tagged [vertex-cover]

28 questions
2 answers

minimum weight vertex cover of a tree

There's an existing question dealing with trees where the weight of a vertex is its degree, but I'm interested in the case where the vertices can have arbitrary weights. This isn't homework but it is one of the questions in the algorithm design…
john s
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Find minimun Vertext-Cover using a ternary tree

I found some algorithms to find a minimun Vertex-Cover like using a binary search tree but I read that using a ternary tree is even better. But i can't find any info about it or think of an algorithm for it. Does somebody know how it can be done?
1 answer

Theoretical computer science: is this problem related to vertex cover?

I have the following problem that seems to share some similarities to the vertex cover problem. We have a directed graph G=(V,E) with |V| vertices and |E| edges. Let us imagine that a vertex represents a person and that an edge from vertex A to…
1 answer

Algorithm for minimum vertex cover in Bipartite graph

I am trying to figure out an algorithm for finding minimum vertex cover of a bipartite graph. I was thinking about a solution, that reduces the problem to maximum matching in bipartite graph. It's known that it can be found using max flow in networ…
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optimization in brute force vertex cover algorithm

I'm writing a brute-force algorithm to solve vertex cover like this: BruteForceVertexCover( Graph G = (V,E) ){ for size= 1 ... |V| vector v = {0...size-1} do{ if(test(G, v)) return v; //test if v covers G …
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Give an efficient greedy algorithm that finds an optimal vertex cover for a tree in linear time

I'm trying to work on this problem... Below mentioned is one algorithm..i figured out.. Input a graph select a vertex with highest degree of matching with all the other nodes. Remove the edges that are incident on this node. Add the selected…
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representive Vertex cycle cover

This problem may be related to this post. This problem also asked here but with a different taste. Consider an (undirected) square graph with a periodic boundary condition. Then find a complete cycle graph with length equal to 4. now I want to…
0 answers

Karp-Reduction: Vertex Cover to Half Vertex Cover

I need to find a reduction for the next problems: Vertex Cover- Given (G=(V, E), k)-> G is undirected graph and we need S (subgroup of V) in size k that covers all the edges in E. Hal Vertex Cover- Given (G=(V', E'), k')-> G is…
1 answer

Networkx min_weighted_vertex_cover in python returns whole set instead of vertex cover

I have an adjacency matrix A with nodes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} A = [[0,1,1,0,0,0],[1,0,1,1,0,0],[1,1,0,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1,0,0]] I want to find the minimum weight vertex cover of this graph. I converted this adjacency matrix…
MD Abid Hasan
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1 answer

A (Possible) Counterexample to a Common Minimum Vertex Cover on a Tree Algo and My Approach

There have been many posts in the past regarding this topic from a quick search on the site, many of which use this dynamic programming recurrence: C(x) = min(1 + sum (C(i) for i in x's children), len(x's children) + sum(C(i) for i in x's…
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Reductions from Vertex Cover to LP

I want to reduce the vertex cover problem to a specific decision problem. This decision problem is the following: I have a nxn matrix A, a vector b in R^n, and a positive integer k. Does there exists a vector x in R^n with at most k non-zero…
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2 answers

Show that the heuristic solution to vertex cover is at most twice as large as the optimal solution

The heuristic solution that I've been given is: Perform a depth-first-search on the graph Delete all the leaves The remaining graph forms a vertex cover I've been given the question: "Show that this heuristic is at most twice as large as the…
1 answer

A variant of the minimum vertex cover

In my research I confront a variant of the vertex cover problem as follows: Given a graph G, a vertex v and a number k, to decide whether G has a vertex cover of size k that contain v. I have search all over literature and could not find a similar…
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All minimum vertex covers in a bipartite graph?

I know that I can find a minimum vertex cover in a bipartite graph using Hopcraft Karp's algorithm in polynomial time. But is there a polynomial algorithm for finding ALL minimum vertex covers in a bipartite graph? I looked on the net, but the…
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Is minimum weighted vertex cover for a tree and a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) same?

There's an existing question regarding minimum weighted vertex cover for a tree. Currently I am working with a project where my network is a DAG. So what I need to know is whether that solution is also valid for a DAG or not. If not, please proof…