Questions tagged [version]

Version defines an unique state of a computer software or a file.

Versions and version control systems are widely used in software industry to keep track of different versions of a piece of software.

Following processes and techniques are often used in computer software engineering to keep track of different versions:

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software.

At a fine-grained level, revision control is often used for keeping track of incrementally different versions of electronic information, whether or not this information is actually computer software.

One of the forms of revision control is a versioning file system. Such a system is any computer file system which allows a computer file to exist in several versions at the same time.

5890 questions
1 answer

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' in version numbers

I have the following code which throws an error, I don't understand why it's happening, if you change the item '2.0.8' to '2.1.8' the error goes away. even if you change the item '2.0.8' to '3.1.8' it will work fine, any suggestions? from…
Jau L
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1 answer

What are the differences between "generally available", "production ready", "stable" and "latest/current" in Apache Hadoop?

When describing the state of a version of a software product, what are the differences between "generally available", "production ready", "stable" and "latest/current"? I met these terms in Apache Hadoop website, when trying to choose the right…
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2 answers

What would cause node process.version to return undefined?

So I've been debugging this issue for a while now and this is where I'm at... I'm trying to use the azure-storage-node package from here and I'm having issues with process.version returning undefined. More specifically, it's being caused by the…
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1 answer

Python, version fragmentation and graphics...advice?

I've been working on learning python (mostly 3.1) for the last month or two. I'm currently working on a multiplayer network enabled boardgame (Spacehulk if anyone cares) as a learning exercise and to play with my friends. But I feel like I'm…
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Bumpversion: reset any part of the version

I am using the bumpversion utility ( to version my python package but have run into an issue. I have it in the format of [major].[minor]-[release] eg: "10.1-qa". My config file looks like the…
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unify build number on appcenter with react native iOS / android apps

I'm using appcenter with a react native project, working ok. I need to integrate the same build number for iOS and Android, how to do that? At the moment my next build ID for android is 211 and for iOS is 135 how to unify on both platforms?
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1 answer

IIS server version compatibilty

Can we run an application developed for IIS 5.0 to its higher versions i.e. IIS (5.1, 6.0, 7.0)?
1 answer

Choose Laravel LTS or latest version?

I want to start a new Laravel project, this project is a platform which may be we should develop and maintain for several years. Now, I'm wondered to choose the correct Laravel version. In the Laravel Support Policy page, Laravel said the 5.5…
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Specifying Windows to use Anaconda Python interpreter

I have Python 2.7 installed and I have Anaconda (using Python 3.6) installed on Windows. Whenever I try to run my .py scripts from Windows outside of the Anaconda environment Windows defaults to using the Python 2.7 interpreter. My Scripts fail to…
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0 answers

Does .Stat Suite support SDMX version 2.1

FAQ page says The .Stat Suite is a native SDMX solution, supporting a complete end to end flow. It can consume, manage, and export SDMX 2.1 in SDMX-JSON, SDMX-ML, and SDMX-CSV formats. While checking some of the latest…
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2 answers

What GIT is and what it is not.. version control?

Ok so I am having trouble understanding what git does or what it does not do. When I hear version control, I think I no longer have to store different files on my computer of basically the same code with minor changes. For example if I have a C…
1 answer

Python configuration in Windows - Module locations - pip vs Eclipse/Liclipse

I'm trying to use pdfminer in Windows, and I am having a lot of issues with my Python configuration and library locations. I seem to have multiple versions of Python installed, with multiple library locations. When trying to run a simple pdfminer…
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PM2 not showing python application version

I have a python app running under pm2. When I execute pm2 ls, the column showing app versions says N/A for the that script. For NodeJS, I solved the issue setting in the ecosystem file the field cwd to the folder containing the package.json. But…
Marco Stramezzi
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1 answer

Delete a Google Storage folder including all versions of objects inside

Hi and thanks in advance. I want to delete a folder from Google Cloud Storage, including all the versions of all the objects inside. That's easy when you use gsutil from your laptop (you can just use the folder name as prefix and put the flag to…
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2 answers

cpanel php version update not changing in server

Hello Friends I am a beginner web developer don't know much about cPanel and hosting, I have been given a cPanel access by one of my friend the url of cpanel consists of (''). So Now I have to update the php version of…
Surya Neupane
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