Questions tagged [version]

Version defines an unique state of a computer software or a file.

Versions and version control systems are widely used in software industry to keep track of different versions of a piece of software.

Following processes and techniques are often used in computer software engineering to keep track of different versions:

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software.

At a fine-grained level, revision control is often used for keeping track of incrementally different versions of electronic information, whether or not this information is actually computer software.

One of the forms of revision control is a versioning file system. Such a system is any computer file system which allows a computer file to exist in several versions at the same time.

5890 questions
1 answer

Issues executing code on higher API levels Android

My minSDK version is 16 and my targetSDK version is 27. The compileSDK version is 28. Since the targetSDK version is 27 it should run on Oreo(8.0.0) without issues but some of the features don't work as intended. However they do work fine on…
Barath R
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0 answers

Why is mice imputation giving me different results after updating R version?

After moving from a computer running R 3.4.0 to a computer running R 3.5.0, the exact same code is giving me different results for my imputation using the mice package, which has changed from version 2.46.0 to 3.3.0. Specifically, some (possibly…
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1 answer

Is version field on package.json being used by libraries dependencies (yarn, npm...)?

I've been having problems when trying to update custom libraries stored in a git repo targeting those libraries on package.json like: "dependencies": { "awesomeLibrary": "git+https://awesome-library-url.git" } If I go to awesomeLibrary repo…
1 answer

How is the POSIX threading api versioned and has it been updated since 1995?

I'm just now getting into threading and specifically I want to learn POSIX threads, and everything about them. As implemented in Linux. I'm looking for resources to learn about them but many of those resources are very old. Some of them date back to…
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How can I extract R major.minor version from the unix command line?

on linux I need to be able to assign the R version to a variable, typically I am using R 3.4.1 as per R.Version(). How can I get 3.4 in that case ie something like export RVERSION=$(some-command)
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3 answers

how to figure out the HSQLDB version of a given JBoss instance

Any way is fine - console, web interface, programmatically... I was unable to find the DB version in the web interface yet and even the jars in the {$JBOSS_HOME}/common/lib don't have the version in the filename. The JBoss version is 5.1 EAP Thank…
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1 answer

import surprise throws ContextualVersionConflict error in python3

Hi I installed surprise package and it has error at import (errr msg in section 3) At conda cmd, I installed surprise and later reinstalled scipy since it's in the error msg. It's as follows: Install surprise: (base) C:\Users\yzhang>conda install…
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1 answer

Downgrade Meteor version

I recently updated my Meteor version from 1.6 to 1.7, which seems to have unexpected bugs. In an attempt to fix them I reinstalled Meteor, which probably deleted old installations, which means I can't go back to 1.6. If I change the version in the…
Dev Agrawal
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2 answers

learnr: How to invalidate stored worked locally by changing ID and version?

I am developing tutorials with the learnr package. During the iterative testing process, I would need to invalidate the tutorial file. I followed the explanation from Preserving Work, added ID and version to the yaml header. But whenever I changed…
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1 answer

EntityFramework referencing back to caller - The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

My first question here because I'm usually pretty nifty with searching for my own answers, I've been on this for a few hours now and I'm stumped - thanks in advance! After following many directions across SO and other sources for things like clean,…
3 answers

.NET Core current version

How can I determine in which version of .NET Core is my app running? I tried to determine this from IHostingEnvironment (also Startup.cs and Program.cs) without success. This question: Get Current .NET CLR version at runtime? is related to .NET…
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1 answer

Angular version by code

i know 'ng --version' to check my angular version on command line. But is there a way to get angular version in code to display it on the website ?
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1 answer

Android:does version of JDK used to compile has any effect on minimum supported api?

For example java.nio.file.FILES was added in api 26. So if I compile my app against api 26 can I use that same class in android versions older than api 26? In original JVM, bytecodes from higher jdk can't be run on lower jre, so that is what worries…
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2 answers

PHP: Handling file-version dependencies in a project

I know about the dependency injection pattern which seems like the best solution available to handle classes that require instances of other classes to function properly. But when it comes to handling the scenario of a certain class existing, but in…
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3 answers

Android SDK version error- how to downsize(?)

I had two API version(21,27) in my SDK platform and my Virtual Device was also targeting API 21. The problem was MediaPlayer in my MainActivity was not working. I checked volume , it was obviously turned on but could here no sound. So i thought the…
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