Questions tagged [verdaccio]

verdaccio is an open source npm private and proxy registry for Node.js packages.

verdaccio is an open source npm private and proxy registry for Node.js packages.

Private npm registry

Provides the ability to host a local private registry, based by default on htpasswd authentication and local file system based.

Local network proxy

Verdaccio can proxy for multiple registries resolving all dependencies using an unique endpoint. It's totally customizable and can act as an offline registry.

Pluggable application

The default authentication and storage can be changed using plugins, furthermore, adding additional layers is fairly easy using the middleware plugins.

Support for Docker and Kubernetes

Verdaccio provides an official Docker image and chart for easy deployment on Kubernetes.


Verdaccio is fully compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm and it was a fork based on sinopia@1.4.0

Useful links:

69 questions
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Verdaccio is complaining that "package XXX does not have a latest tag?"

On startup of Verdaccio, all the packages throw warnings like the one below warn --- package zone.js does not have a "latest" tag? When startup is complete, the UI says that no packages were loaded. It seems to be related to a publish, but I can't…
Atron Seige
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verdaccio install successfully, but the package was only downloaded to verdaccio's storage

I used "npm install npmtest" command to download my test private package. But there was no package downloaded in my project directory. After that, I used "npm install jquery" to download jquery plugin, but the plugin was only downloaded to…
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Can I add two users into one group

Can I do this: user1, user2 in Team1 packages: '**': access: Team1 publish: user1 In addition, I saw that "groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually". How should I name the group and user.
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Install Private Verdaccio Packages in Dockerfile

I am building a Angular Application which needs some Private Packages from my Verdaccio Server. My current solution with an .npmrc file in the Repo is not working. Is there a another why to download the packages? .npmrc…
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2 answers

How to set a project's package.json to be able to install from local registry with verdaccio

I am learning microservices with docker and kubernetes by simple project, now I am trying to use local registry installed as a docker container with helm. I published my package/library in my local registry (I am using verdaccio) and successfully…
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How to mirror npm packages from artifactory to verdaccio?

We have remote npm registry on artifactory . Also we have local registry which is powered by Verdaccio. The question is how to mirror npm packages from artifactory to Verdaccio local registry? I've read about caching in Verdaccio - this case is not…
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Verdaccio SSL requiring port 443 in URL with nginx proxy?

I've pretty much got my verdaccio server setup but I'm running into one issue: its requiring me to add :443 to the end of my registry URL. Before I setup SSL, I was able to access it with just the URL. I'm guessing it has to do with nginx…
Joe Jankowiak
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Verdacci npm server attempting to resolve public packages

We have a Verdaccio server (the latest version, and hosted by nginx) that's hosting some private npm packages. Fetching of private packages works fine, but we're encountering some problems with packages that are hosted in the main npm repo - for…
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Using verdaccio on docker. Can't connect to registry

I've a very slow connection. I use verdaccio (dockerized) for npm in my local development. But when I wanted to use it with laradock, I can't get it to work. export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads…
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Docker compose + Verdaccio

I have a private npm repository based on a local instance of Verdaccio, that run inside a local docker machine. In other side, I have an application built with compose too that create and run my nodejs applications that use some my custom packages…
1 answer

Verdaccio - publish without being logged in?

so if I understand verdaccio docs correctly, I should be able to publish a package if I set "publish" to "$all" in the config file. But even though my config file looks like this: storage: ./storage uplinks: npmjs: url:…
What What
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Using Verdaccio Registry with Skaffold

** edit - important detail: verdaccio is also running in a docker container. Issue seems to be container to container communication. I have the npm registry set to localhost but I think it's trying to connect to localhost in the container's context…
0 answers

Can't see or publish packages with Verdaccio

I’m fairly new to Verdaccio. Been familiar with the tool for quite some time, but this is my first time trying to use it. I’ve installed it locally for the purpose of trying to figure out the right syntax for handling versioning, tagging and…
Bob Yexley
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Verdaccio Docker not works in Raspberry

I'm trying to work a Verdaccio with Docker in Raspberry pi 3, but Docker throws this error: docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create endpoint verdaccio on network bridge: failed to add the host (vethf1c7b38) <=> sandbox (veth88eac32)…
J Krbaio
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Mirror npm packages and dependencies to private registry

I am developing an application with requested long time support of up to 20 years in nodejs and vue. The problem is that I cannot rely on npmjs being alive for another 20 years. An easy and fast solution would be to just commit the node_modules…
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