Questions tagged [vector-tiles]

Questions about generating or using vector geospatial data served using tiles.

Vector tiles are a way of cutting up and distributing geospatial data along pre-defined tile boundaries at various zoom levels. The most common scheme follows the same boundaries as the raster tile format used by Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and others.

Questions that are heavily about the geographic or cartographic aspects of vector tiles, or third-party software, may be better suited to

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119 questions
3 answers

How to display vector tiles generated by geojson-vt in leaflet?

I have a lot of GeoJSON spatial data that I want to display on a leaflet map. Around 35,000 GeoJSON objects. Because the amount of points can get very large, I wanted to use the geojson-vt library to tile my data on the client side. Right now I have…
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1 answer

MKMapView overlay Vector tiles

Is there any way I can make vector tiles and overly them on MKMapView in iOS 6 and above? I know how to overlay images using MKOverlayView, but they are raster images.
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Rendering vector-tiles using Mapbox using react-mapbox-gl

I have a geoJSON file that I convert into vector.tiles using this npm package. I use const tileIndex = geojsonvt(geoJSON). The geoJSON file has the following format and it gets converted without any error. const geoJSON = { type:…
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2 answers

OpenMapTiles. vehicle routing

I am trying to use openMapTiles vector tiles for vehicle routing. It seems like a very fast data source to load. I intend to simulate many vehicles, so repeatedly querying google maps api is not an option. Is there an easy way to find road…
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What do minzoom and maxzoom do in Mapbox-GL-JS exactly?

What exactly do the minzoom and maxzoom properties on vector tile sources, and vector-based layers do in Mapbox-GL-JS styles? The documentation is a bit short.
Steve Bennett
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1 answer

Avoid cached vector tiles from Mapbox

I'm running into a problem with Mapbox-GL-JS where there are cached vector tiles in my browser, preventing recent changes being seen. The normal workaround is to append a unique string onto the end of the tile string…
Steve Bennett
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2 answers

Vector tile route finding

Has anyone used either Mapbox or OpenMapTiles vector tiles to find routes from one place to another? It seems to me like those tiles are made for display and don't contain intersection information the way that say Open Street Map does.
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2 answers

How to use the PostGIS aggregate function ST_AsMVT with Django ORM

Problem I would like to create a Mapbox vector tile (MVT) in Django, using the ORM. In SQL (PostgreSQL, PostGIS) the SQL query looks like this for the tile with zoom=8, x=137, y=83: SELECT ST_AsMVT(tile) FROM (SELECT id, ST_AsMVTGeom(geometry,…
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3 answers

How to display a huge GeoJSON file to the MapBox?

I'm new in MapBox GL Js and I want to call a big GeoJSON file over https and display it to the map. I think that calling vector Tile is the best way to do that, I found some tutorials that show how to convert your GeoJSON data to Vector Tile but on…
1 answer

How to display (antimeridian) vector tiles generated by geojson-vt in leaflet using L.CRS.Simple?

I have a GeoJSON simple data that i need to display on a leaflet map using L.CRS.Simple crs, because is antimeridian data, and sometimes, coordinates can be [450,389] (more than 180) This is the very simple GeoJSON: { "type": "FeatureCollection", …
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Leaflet - make all tile layers clickable/interactive

I have a leaflet map that has multiple vector tile layers from GeoJSON points using Leaflet VectorGrid: var layer1 = L.vectoGrid.slicer(geoJSON1, {interactive: true}).on('click', function(e)...) .addTo(map); var layer2 =…
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2 answers

Rendering non-simplified Mapbox Vector Tile using mapbox gl js

I am trying to render a mvt (Mapbox Vector Tile) containing OSM data using Mapbox GL js, but I keep getting some ugly polygons like they were simplified (like in the Simplification section of this documentation!). I don't want those polygons to be…
0 answers

Can OpenLayers3 reproject vector tile (MVT) layers?

I'm trying to use OpenLayers to display vector tile layers and basemaps that I've created and am serving. The raster basemaps I'm using are in EPSG:4326, and I'd like to overlay the MVT layers, reprojected into EPSG:4326 as well. However, it's not…
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1 answer

Self hosted Vector Tiles for MapboxGL Client rendered incorrectly

I am trying to set up a web server in Node.js that serves vector tiles to be displayed in a browser using MapboxGL JS. The data for the vector tiles is stored in a PostGIS database. My current set up seems to going in the right direction, as I can…
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Rendering Vector Tiles Mapbox GL

I want to use Mapbox GL to render vector tiles that I am generating from PostGIS requests. I have built a tile server using Mapnik, sphericalmecator, and pg plugins for npm. I added the tile endpoint to the stylesheet for Mapbox GL, and have…
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