Questions tagged [vast]

VAST - the Video Ad Serving Template, is an Interactive Advertising Bureau specification for inserting advertisements into Flash, HTML5 and native video players.

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is a specification released by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) that sets a standard for communication requirements between ad servers and video players.

It is a data structure declared using XML.

VAST has 6 versions: 1.0 (deprecated), 1.1 (deprecated),2.0, 3.0 and current version is 4.0.

184 questions
2 answers

VAST Linear asset mismatch

I use Google Interactive Media Ads: Vast(V3) for iOS. I did download sample of iOS (Beta). And try to change content URL(kTestAppAdTagUrl_Instream1) to one of mine. And I got an error message 2014-03-31 14:34:30.531 SampleApp[1450:60b]…
April Smith
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VPAID issue with JWPlayer 6

I've tried unsuccessfully to integrate two separated VPAID test ad-tags. The first one: advertising: { "client": "vast", "tag":…
1 answer

Flowplayer disable autoplay with OVA

I have a problem which is probably easy to solve but i has not yet found a solution. I try to initialize Flowplayer with the OVA (Ad management) plugin. If I set the parameter "autoPlay" = false on a clip the player won't autoplay on initialization.…
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Integrate VAST in plyr Video Player

DEVELOPER LEVEL - Beginner Have recently started programming. Only Familiar with HTM/CSS/JS & NodeJS. THE PROJECT - I'm using this ↓ code to play files using plyr Video player in my website. LINK TO CODEPEN (The below snippet is very lengthy,…
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Industry Icon with NonLinear or CompanionAd in VAST 4.2

It says 'This feature is only offered for Linear Ads because icons can be easily inserted in NonLinear ads and companion creative using existing features.' in VAST 4.2 document. But I don't know how it looks like. I try this …
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How to Add 2 VAST Ads in JW Player?

I am using JW Player I have one code which works fine but I want 2 midroll vast ads in the player. When I try to Copy and paste the same code with different timings. Code with Higher Time only works. The Below code workes Fine as ad plays after 5…
0 answers

Google DFP JW Player Integration

I am trying to create a VAST video ad tag from google DFP…
0 answers

HTML IMA SDK - Custom click through

Requirement: Show the Visit Website link for the VAST clickThrough. By default in we desktop, whole ima3 container is clickable and redirecting to clickThrough url. Is there anyway to show the clickThrough url like youtube? Note I have tried with…
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VPAID script does not load in VAST 4

I have a VAST 3 ad that I am trying to port to Vast 4.0. The problem is the interactivity through VPAID, whose specifications changed a lot between VAST 3 and 4. According to VAST 4 docs, a VPAID script should now be included in…
Emil Lundh
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Video with overlay and logo using DFP for small business

I have got a requirement wherein I need to achieve: An overlay click on 320x250 ad inventory (with click tag and vast tag separately) A logo along on an Interstitial video inventory (with a tag for logo and a vast tag separately) The client…
Akshay Sethi
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1 answer

Video JS 5 VAST plugin does not work

I have tried several plugins, thus, some are very old (video js 4) currently I have been testing on videojs 5 but none has worked so far. I tried videojs-vast-plugin also tried IMA SDK Plugin for Video.js and this one videojs-vast-vpaid plugin which…
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How to add vast tag to fluid player?

[fluid-player-extended layout="funky" auto-play="autoPlay" logo="" logo-position="top right" logo-opacity=".8" ad-text="adText" ad-cta-text="adCTAText" …
1 answer

how to implement video viewability like google

I wanted to do something like google viewability. Till now, I created a js to check element is in viewport or not. but I am not able to found a way to load my js on ssp side. and the only data we are sending to ssp is one xml file (vast standard).…
Mohit Patil
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1 answer

VPAID preroll example

It's been a long time that I have been looking for a VPAID code example for a sample preroll ad but I can't find it. Can anyone who knows one please help me? Thanks P.S. I am using videojs
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WebView causing Uncaught TypeError when loading my html Data

Im using WebView to Vpaid html5player into an app.Webview occur in javascript error.. 08-01 10:20:06.967: I/chromium(24646): [INFO:CONSOLE(60)] "Uncaught TypeError: this[a] is not a function", source:…
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