Questions tagged [urn]

In computing, a Uniform Resource Name (URN) is the historical name for a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that uses the urn scheme. A URI is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the web resource over a network, typically the World Wide Web, using specific protocols.

64 questions
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LinkedIn boolean search param 'geoUrn'

I'm trying to build boolean search query from my app. Code worked fine before, but now there are problems with the location parameter. my old code generates this string (it worked well…
1 answer

How do I get the URL of a LinknedIn post from the URN or id?

I am able to post to LinkedIn via the API and I get the URN/id of the post returned, but I don't know how to get the actual URL of the post using the returned URN. I cannot find the information anywhere in the API documentation.
1 answer

Youtube API - Use URN id

i am using the Youtube API to retrieve a playlist content of videos In of the list of entries, i get all my videos and their unique ID is what youtube call "URN id". But I can't find a way to play these video using the URN id. It works fine with…
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Is there something like a URI for USB devices?

I'm wondering if there is a specification around to address USB devices like: usb://... Does anyone know?
Volker von Einem
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Regex which matches URN by rfc8141

I am struggling to find a Regex which could match a URN as described in rfc8141. I have tried this one: \A(?i:urn:(?!urn:)(?[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{1,31}):(?(?:[a-z0-9()+,-.:=@;$_!*']|%[0-9a-f]{2})+))\z but this one only matches the first part…
1 answer

Azure Resource Identifier format URI -URL OR URN

I am working with Azure and I have noticed that for every resource group and resource it created an ID that looks like this. For Resource Groups /subscriptions//resourceGroups/ and For Resource it looks like…
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SMIL: t:audio issue in internet explorer 8

I am trying to reanimate project made ten years ago. SMIL2 was successfully used in IE6. I have found that IE8 still supports SMIL, however nor t:media, nor t:audio elements do not play audio/media content any more. Here is simple example that works…
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Python UUID - Handle URN with namespace

Within input XMLs to process, I've got an URN UUID as fileIdentifier: urn:vendor:processor:uuid:0269803d-50c4-46b0-9f50-60ef7fe3e22b I need to check if this UUID is valid but the vendor:processor: part makes the standard module raising an error: #…
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What is 'uniform' about URI, URL and URN [Uniform Resource Identifier, Uniform Resource Location, Uniform Resource Name]?

I have read about the differences of the URI, URN and URL here and here but the answers talk of the differences of the last letter, that is, the differences amongst identifier, name and location respectively. What I have not understood is why all…
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How to configure URN

I like to learn about below URL. https://server_ip/testing/urn:id:value I have understand from "https://server_ip/testing/" contains the protocol HTTPS and server ip and path. I want to know the remaining part of the url "urn:id:value". How the…
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How to assign a urn(uniform resource name) to a url

How to assign a URI/URN to a corresponding URL. What are the steps to do it. Say i have a URL how to assign a URN to it to make it something like urn:testing:test:stage Thank you.
Arpan Solanki
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Draw 2 numbers from urn with replacement - Python

my urn contains the numbers 1.3 and 0.9, which I would like to draw 35 times per simulation with replacement. Then perform a final calculation, from which the result is appended to a list. In total I would like to perform 10000 simulations. My code…
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How do you use URN?

I've been reading about URI, URL, URN & URC I get both URI & URL. When I want to go to a website I write the url and it redirects me to the page. But how do you practically use the URN? When do you use it? What does it represents? (not the meaning…
1 answer

Explain BNF syntax for NID in RFC 2141

I am having trouble understanding some BNF syntax from RFC2141. The line is ::= [ 1,31 ]. I think it means that is a symbol for a string, with constrained by two rules: The string must be begin with a single…
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URN standards and sub

Looking at enter link description here I see that there are examples in which the NSS is not just: urn:NID:NSS, like urn:doctors:family:gbernstain, or urn:lex:eu:council:directive:2010-03-09;2010-19-UE but it looks like: urn:NID:NID:NID:NSS,…
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