Questions tagged [unity3d-editor]

May be used for either general editor-specific questions or for questions on the UnityEditor namespace, which is typically used to modify/extend the Unity editor GUI and behavior.

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159 questions
2 answers

How to make individual anchor points of bezier continuous or non-continuous

I am creating bezier curves with the following code. The curves can be extended to join several bezier curves by shift clicking in the scene view. My code has functionality for making the whole curve continuous or non-continuous. I realised that I…
1 answer

How can I keep handles always visible in scene while highlighting when selected?

I would like to make all the handles in my editor to show even when a given game object is not selected, in such a way that when the mouse point hovers over a given handle it becomes selectable. How can I do this?
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4 answers

Unity3D Slider onValueChanged sending only 0 (or other defined value)

I'm trying to attach an onValueChanged event to my GUI Slider, but for some reason it gives me a mandatory option to put a value in (it's the fourth box in the "On Value Change (Single)" section). Then it only sends the forementioned value, not the…
Filip Vondrášek
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How to have custom script icons other than using "Assets/Gizmos" in Unity3D

I know this was asked a lot of times probably .. but it is very often answered wrong. What I want is: Use a custom icon for specific components/scripts in the Inspector (e.g. Figure 2 and Figure 3) and the ProjectView (e.g. Figure 1) What I do so…
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3 answers

Unity UI - Interacting with worldspace UI when cursor is locked

I'm trying to interact with world space UI using a first person controller when Cursor.lockState is set to CursorLockMode.Locked. world space UI and a character But when cursor is locked, cursor position is set to (-1, -1), which is told from the…
Tan Li
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How to select elements in nested ReorderableList in a CustomEditor?

I have a ReorderableList in my CustomEditor script. In the drawElementCallback I added a second nested ReorderableList. Everything works fine and I can add elements to both lists like here BUT as you can see for some reason I can not select the…
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EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel for Unity WebGL (Runtime)

I want the user to select a image from computer in Unity WebGL game but I am not able to get any library or code for this thing. I want exact functionality of EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel for UnityWebGL (Runtime). string path =…
Muhammad Faizan
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2 answers

Unity Editor - DrawDefaultInspector is not working

I'm trying to write a simple editor extension just for learning-purposes. This extension will just check if the target is a JSON-file then count it's keys or do some other arbitrary task. This is how the inspector looks like by default. Then I…
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2 answers

How to make editor handles selectable to display properties inspector window

This is a follow-up question from How to make individual anchor points of bezier continuous or non-continuous. Please refer to it for the relevant code in the accepted answer (please note that I did this to keep this question clean since the related…
3 answers

Unity3D Editor: How can I find all usages of a given asset?

The very useful feauture "Find usages" exists in Visual Studio and Resharper, but I can't find the same in Unity3D Editor. I see only "Select dependencies" in Unity3d, but I need the opposite one. Does it exist?
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2 answers

Can't assign ScriptableObject in inspector

I'm having trouble with assigning ScriptableObjects in inspector. For example, I have this class: using UnityEngine; public class Buff : ScriptableObject { public string buffName; } In one of the monobehavior-derived classes, I have a member…
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Unity 5: Clean way to manage dynamically created GameObjects

In Unity 5, what is "clean" way to manage dynamically created game objects? I've written a component (MonoBehavior) that creates/destroys several GameObjects. The objects are loaded as part of custom customization system that selects portions of…
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1 answer

How to make custom inspector add object reference in Unity

I cannot figure out how to make a texture field appear in my custom inspector and the documentation explains little to nothing on how to do it. I have a script that has an Icon field with a texture type in my main script however need to write it…
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1 answer

Why are nested resources references in a ScriptableObject asset not loaded?

Please read the entire question, and run the example before posting an answer. Overview I ran into some inconsistent behavior in Unity 5.6.1 when loading nested assets in a static Editor script (so in the static constructor of a class marked with…
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1 answer

Managing complex prefab hierarchies in Unity3D

I asked this question in a few places, and still haven't figured it out completely yet, so maybe some smart people here will have an idea how to approach that. What's the best way of maintaining a deep nested hierarchy of prefabs in a project? Say,…
Rafal Pastuszak
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