Questions tagged [uniqueidentifier]

With reference to a given (possibly implicit) set of objects, a unique identifier is any identifier which is guaranteed to be unique among all identifiers used for those objects and for a specific purpose.


When dealing with a set of objects, a unique identifier is any identifier that is designed to be unique among all identifiers used for those objects within a given range, scope or purpose.

1464 questions
2 answers

android, Everyone should evaluate each day only once

I'm going to build an app. Until now everything runs very well. Now I have a problem. The app gets its content from a mysql database.A column is called item.I have a ratingbar. The user can rate the item there.Every time the user evaluates an item…
3 answers

Converting int (Auto Increment) primary key to uniqueidentifier primary key in SQL Server 2008

I am not that much familiar with database things. But I have a problem. I am developing an application for one of my client and that uses SQL Server 2008 R2, one table has an INT IDENTITY as its primary key. Since, the data has started flooding in…
Amod Vardhan
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2 answers

Unique strings in java

Is there a function in Java that takes in two strings and generates one 16 character string which is unique to the given combination? I dont expect the string to be 100% unique as long as the probability of having 2 conflicting strings is very small…
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2 answers

How do you create a unique id which cannot be faked?

I have a .NET client app and a PHP server web app. At some point, the .NET app will have to be identified by a unique id and pass that data to the webserver by http post. The web server will respond with some data and store the unique id in a…
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1 answer

uniqueidentifier is deprecated first in ios 5

i have this part of code in my app (void) trackWithCategory:(NSString*)category withAction:(NSString*)action withValue:(float)value { AppController *ac = (AppController*) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate; BOOL result = [ac.tracker…
Chief Madog
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3 answers

How can jQuery's Datepicker get away with using a single unique id when multiple instances are created?

I've been doing some research on jQuery's Datepicker plugin. I was curious as to how he created his nodes and modified them. What I found was interesting: @ 113: this.dpDiv = bindHover($('
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1 answer

Why identifierForVendor Is not return unique UUID

In swift, app we want unique device id.but will not get the unique UUID if i reinstall the same app. Here's how we get UUID: if let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString { print(uuid) }
1 answer

please provide xpath of the following:

What should be the xpath for this object?
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1 answer

Unique ID for year

Im looking for how to generate a unique id that will remain unique for one year. I use uniqid() function but I've heard that there is a chance for duplicates, so I do this: $id = rand(0,1000) . uniqid(); Will this remain unique for a whole year?
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