Questions tagged [uniqueidentifier]

With reference to a given (possibly implicit) set of objects, a unique identifier is any identifier which is guaranteed to be unique among all identifiers used for those objects and for a specific purpose.


When dealing with a set of objects, a unique identifier is any identifier that is designed to be unique among all identifiers used for those objects within a given range, scope or purpose.

1464 questions
4 answers

How to generate unique 64 bits integers from Python?

I need to generate unique 64 bits integers from Python. I've checked out the UUID module. But the UUID it generates are 128 bits integers. So that wouldn't work. Do you know of any way to generate 64 bits unique integers within Python? Thanks.
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1 answer

Serials on NFC Tags - truly unique? cloneable?

So are NFC tags really UNIQUE from each other, at least in their SERIAL NUMBER? And can we rely on the fact that no 2 NFC tags can have the same serial number? I'm highly skeptical about this as there are (and will be more) NFC tags out there and I…
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6 answers

JavaScript Unique Browser Id

is there anyway to create a unique ID for a browser within javascript? Im not talking about an ID that is random everytime it is generated but an ID that is unique to the browser it is generated in but also takes into account the computer its…
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4 answers

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

Question: I have to come up with unique ID for each networked client, such that: it (ID) should persist once client software is installed on target computer, and should continue to persist if software is re-installed on same computer and same OS…
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6 answers

Algorithm for generating a unique ID in C++?

What can be the best algorithm to generate a unique id in C++? The length ID should be a 32 bit unsigned integer.
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4 answers

Convert NULL to empty string - Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

Using SQL Server 2005 how do I get the below statement or rather the output as i want it to be. SELECT Id 'PatientId', ISNULL(ParentId,'') 'ParentId' FROM Patients ParenId is a uniqueidentifier that allows NULL, but seems that query…
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6 answers

INT vs Unique-Identifier for ID field in database

I am creating a new database for a web site using SQL Server 2005 (possibly SQL Server 2008 in the near future). As an application developer, I've seen many databases that use an integer (or bigint, etc.) for an ID field of a table that will be…
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5 answers

Programmatic Views how to set unique id's?

I am creating in my app bunch of programmatic Views. As it appeared to be they all by default have the same id=-1. In order to work with them I need to generate unique id's. I have tried several approaches - random number generation and based on…
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7 answers

Always get a unique device id in iOS 7

Our iOS application is for specific users. So, we used device unique identifier for user identification. This approach works fine till iOS 6, because we are getting the same value every time. NSString *strUniqueIdentifier = [[UIDevice currentDevice]…
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3 answers

Unique Identifier of a Mac?

On an iPhone I can use [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]; to get a string which identifies this device. Is there anything equal in OSX ? I didn't find anything. I just want to identify the Mac which started the application. Can you help…
Sandro Meier
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6 answers

is it possible to get a unique identification number from a mobile device?

I am currently working on mobile device web applications, and I was wondering if there is some sort of unique id number per device that could be detected via the browser. The purpose would be to store this number in order to recognize people who…
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2 answers

How to generate and manually insert a uniqueidentifier in sql server?

I'm trying to manually create a new user in my table but impossible to generate a "UniqueIdentifier" type without threw an exception ... Here is my example: DECLARE @id uniqueidentifier SET @id = NEWID() INSERT INTO [dbo].[aspnet_Users] …
Mehdi Bugnard
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4 answers

How to obtain (almost) unique system identifier in a cross platform way?

I'm looking for a way to get a number which will almost surely change when running the code on different machines and almost surely stay the same between two runs on the same machine. If I were doing this as a shell script in Linux, I would use…
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6 answers

Turn off IDENTITY_INSERT for Dataset insert

I am using a dataset to insert data being converted from an older database. The requirement is to maintain the current Order_ID numbers. I've tried using: SET IDENTITY_INSERT orders ON; This works when I'm in SqlServer Management Studio, I am able…
Nathan Koop
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4 answers

Best way to get machine id on Linux?

What is the best-practiced way to get an unique machine ID in GNU/Linux for i386 architecture? Are there any good ways except the mac address?
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