Questions tagged [undocumented-behavior]

Undocumented behaviour (or 'features') relates to elements of software not intended for use by end users (and therefore 'undocumented'), but left available for use by the vendor for software support and development.

Undocumented behaviour (or 'features') relates to elements of software not intended for use by end users (and therefore 'undocumented'), but left available for use by the vendor for software support and development.

Since the suppliers of the software usually consider the software documentation to constitute a contract for the behavior of the software, undocumented features are generally left unsupported, and may be removed or changed at will and without notice to the users. This makes using undocumented features a double-edged sword.

Sometimes such a feature (for example, the ability to change the switch character in MS-DOS, usually to a hyphen) is included for compatibility (in this case with Unix utilities) or future-expansion reasons, but the software provider changes their mind or goes out of business; the absence of documentation makes it easier to justify the feature's removal.

New versions of software might omit mention of old (possibly superseded) features in documentation but keep them implemented for users who've grown accustomed to them.

In other cases, software bugs are referred to jokingly as undocumented features. ("It's not a bug; it's an undocumented feature!") This usage may have been popularised in some of Microsoft's responses to bug reports for its first Word for Windows product, but doesn't originate there. The oldest surviving reference on Usenet dates to 5 March 1984. Between 1969 and 1972, Sandy Mathes, a systems programmer for PDP-8 software at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in Maynard, MA, used the terms "bug" and "feature" in her reporting of test results to distinguish between undocumented actions of delivered software products that were unacceptable and tolerable, respectively. This usage may have been perpetuated.

Ironically, undocumented features themselves have become a major feature of computer games. Developers often include various cheats and other special features ("easter eggs") that are not explained in the packaged material, but have become part of the "buzz" about the game on the Internet and among gamers. The undocumented features of foreign games are often elements that were not localized from their native language.

Closed source APIs can also have undocumented functions that are not generally known. These are sometimes used to gain a commercial advantage over third-party software by providing additional information or better performance to the application provider.

Source: Wikipedia (

70 questions
0 answers

How to avoid memory leaks with the undocumented operator overloads for classes?

Delphi has a number of documented operator overloads: For records and ARC_classes (in the NexGen compiler). Officially it does not support operator overloading for classes, interfaces or simple types. Except... There are undocumented operator…
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1 answer

Get rid of the blurry outline with SetWindowCompositionAttribute

I am writing an app that will use the undocumented SetWindowCompositionAttribute function to blur the command prompt background. However when using it, there is a weird outline that I can't seem to get rid of with my multiple attempts: How can I…
Charles Milette
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0 answers

Is the undocumented activity "" still there in Android 5.0?

I can bring up the undocumented ProxySelector activity by the following code: intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", "")); startActivity(intent); I have tested on some devices (Galaxy S3 and…
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1 answer

Usage of undocumented Facebook FQL tables open_graph_object and open_graph_action

Today I stumbled over two apparantly undocumented FQL tables open_graph_action (contains OpenGraph actions) open_graph_object (contains OpenGraph objects) The structure of the open_graph_object table is the following (extracted by using metadata=1…
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2 answers

Linux (GLNXA64) using mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix R2013b

In one MEX file, I created an output matrix with the command (working fine): plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix((mwSize)destLen, 1, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL); For speedup I wanted to use the dynamic memory uninitialized, which lead me to the undocumented…
Bastian Ebeling
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2 answers

What does JavaFrame do in Matlab?

I see that code plot(1:5); jFrame = get(gcf,'JavaFrame'); it works and returns some result. What does it return? What is background of this functional? Is it documented? I can't find JavaFrame property in the list of figure properties. How can I…
Suzan Cioc
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1 answer

What is the PHP's mysql() function?

I came across a weird error in PHP: mysql() I tried with three different setups, and each time declaring a function with this name and any or no arguments generates an error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mysql() Yet, I cannot find a function with…
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1 answer

What is the range of hue values in `Color.init(hue:saturation:brightness:opacity:)`?

The Color initializer init(hue:saturation:brightness:opacity:) is undocumented. I think I can safely assume that saturation, brightness, and opacity normalize to the range of 0...1, where values outside that range are valid only for wide-gamut…
Ben Leggiero
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0 answers

How to link IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag

Let's say there's an undocumented Winapi function you'd like to use, like IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag. I was wondering how you go about using it. It seems like declaring it isn't a big deal, if you have the function signature. But then what…
0 answers

SwiftUI Dynamic List property "active"

I've stumbled upon an interesting situation as I learn SwiftUI... Where/how/what is the .active property in a SwiftUI List??? I can find no documentation on the subject - anywhere - and yet setting an entity instance's .active property to false…
0 answers

How to access sensors not listed by SensorManager?

Some devices have a pressure-sensitive virtual home button, that is considered a pressure sensor, not a button. As far as I know these Samsung Galaxy devices are affected: S8, S8+, S9, S9+, Note10, Note10+ and Fold. Since it is a sensor, it should…
3 answers

Displaying more than 50 legend entries

I would like to plot 66 datasets and show their legends. Unfortunately, according to the MathWorks Support Team, MATLAB legends are limited by default to 50 entries. I tried the workaround they suggested that involves making another axes in the…
1 answer

Query Comcast/Xfinity monthly data quota via .NET/C#

The following code reports "error: unauthenticated". How can I use .NET to authenticate against this Comcast/Xfinity API to query/fetch used and available data of an account with a monthly quota? static async Task Main() { using (var httpClient…
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1 answer

Access Microsoft Onenote book/section/page with Matlab

I would like to read-out my locally stored Onenote book/section/page with Matlab and automatically search for specified strings. How can this be achieved? Does the Onenote API have to be interfaced or is there any easier way? Here is what I have so…
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1 answer

How do I discover all available properties when using a jQuery UI widget?

I have recently found that there are additional properties for some jQuery UI widgets that work, but are not documented. For example, when providing the buttons property on a jQuery UI 1.11.4 dialog box, I can use sub-properties like id and…