Questions tagged [umbrello]


9 questions
2 answers

Tool to automatically create a class diagram for Qt application

I am having a problem finding a tool to create a UML class diagram for my Qt application. I tried both BOUML and Umbrello, but both of them have problems with some classes. I am working on Ubuntu.
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1 answer

Automagically create class diagram from java code in umbrello?

I was able to import the java code into umbrello. However, how can I generate the class diagram automagically? Perhaps umbrello does not have that feature.
U Avalos
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How to convert an activity diagram to a petrinet, synthesize it and then analyse it?

I am doing a project on Petri nets. I have generated an activity diagram (in the .xmi format) using the UML tool Umbrello. I need to convert it to a Petri net and then synthesize it using the tool Petrify. But in order to convert it to the Petri…
1 answer

phpuml command not found

I m trying to set up phpuml to generate xmi files which I intent to import using umbrello. I have managed to get PHP_UML installed using XSL alpha package which is a dependency for PHP_UML. Here is the output of the list command vihaan@cd:~$ pear…
Vihaan Verma
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How to draw self-call and recursive call with Umbrello?

How can you draw a self-call and recursive call with Umbrello like this The only option I can see from the app calls to other actors. Am I missing something?
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1 answer

Umbrello doesn't show aggregation association

I'm trying to add an Aggregation association between two classes with Toolbar. An attribute (with *) appeares in the aggergator, but the link doesn't appear on the class diagram. If I make a Composition link, an attribute appeares, and a link with a…
2 answers

Java programming with uml

I'm a java developer new with uml modeling. I wanna create a complete web application (backend+db+jms+security +ui) deployable to an application server by using only UML. Despite I didn't understand what really is meta-modeling I started using…
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1 answer

KDE for Windows (7): non-resizable dialogs

the problem: I have to use win7 currently, but I want to use Umbrello UML. Now I have installed the KDE for Windows port and the tool is running. But if there high dialogs poping up or other windows that are not resizeable it could happen that I do…
Jens Peters
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1 answer

Umbrello wont create relation

I am trying to add an aggregation relation from 'Property' -> 'ConsumerPropertySelected' object, but it wont add any type of relation. (See the image) If I invert the direction ('ConsumerPropertySelection' -> Property) then it adds a relation but…
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