Questions tagged [uiscrollview]

Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS. Do NOT use this tag for other platforms.

UIScrollView is the native scroll view system in iOS. It is part of Cocoa and UIKit. A number of other very common iOS classes, such as UITableView, are based on UIScrollView. UIScrollViewDelegate is the associated delegate.

Full Apple documentation for UIScrollView is at the usual Apple documentation site. It is on the internet. It can be found at

Use this tag only for the specific, iOS, UIScrollView class. For the native scroll views in other specific platforms, such as Android, use those tags.

If you genuinely have a rare, non-platform-specific, general conceptual question about scroll views, you could use the otherwise totally worthless tag.

12334 questions
1 answer

iOS UIScrollView in UIView

I have a little bit specific question. It might not matter for most people but I have had to deal with it and I had to solve the issue described below. I tried to find some information about it using Google and the Apple SDK documentation but did…
Rostyslav Druzhchenko
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UITextView Horizontal & Vertical Scroll With Proper Cursor Positioning in Swift

I am working on a project where I require to make UITextView horizontally scrollable.The problem statement is defined below I have tried putting the UITextview within a ScrollView for horizontal scroll as suggested in other similar question…
1 answer

How to detect scrolling to another page in PDF using PDFkit

I'm trying to add current page number so when the user scrolling to another page it will display for example 2 of 3 (if the pdf have 3 pages) for now, I use this code it will display always 1 of 3 I think PDFkit using UIScrollView so I need to…
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3 answers

Swift -How to scroll the collectionView's contents when the keyboard is raised

This isn't a question about raising the collectionView when the keyboard rises and lowers, that part works fine. This is about the scrollView inside the collectionView not rising with it. I have a view pinned to the bottom of the screen and inside…
Lance Samaria
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3 answers

Scroll always start on the top in ScrollView?

I have an UITableView and all rows navigate to other UIView which include UIScrollView. Sometimes when I navigate it scroll start middle of the view, or bottom of the view. But I want everytime I scroll it, scroll must be on the top of the view. How…
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4 answers

Possible optimization to unload the views+controllers which are no longer visible in UIScrollView and PageControl

I have this page control code same from the apple sample. Here i have a subview (controller.view) which contains a ImageView. Now problem is with memory management. All works fine. But when i scroll 5-10 pages. RAM gets filled. I tried to release…
2 answers

How to set the scrollview height when UI elements are dynamically created

On the storyboard, inside a view controller I have a scrollview. A navigation bar and a stack view are embedded inside the scrollview. Programmatically I am adding some UI elements one below the other inside the stack view. Via storyboard,…
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2 answers

Safari-style gradient shadows around UIScrollView

I've been looking to embellishing a UIScrollView by adding some kind of shadow around the content, visible when the view is greater than the content. Safari does this using grey gradients around the page (pinch to make a webpage smaller and pan to…
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1 answer

Setting contentInset of WKWebView scrollView causes page jump to top

After setting contentInset of WKWebView, I found if I use default swipe gesture to navigate between pages, WKWebView will not reserve the contentInset and just jump to the top, does anyone know how to resolve that? Thanks! My sample code: import…
Haibara Ai
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2 answers

implementing UIScrollViewDelegate in a UICollectionView subclass

I have a UICollectionView subclass. I want to add a default implementation for scrollViewDidScroll from UIScrollViewDelegate Is there a way to access the scrollView delegate methods from the UICollectionView subclass? Thanks
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2 answers

Prevent UIScrollView from moving contents to top-left

I have a UIImageView contained within a UIScrollView. The image is (usually) big, so the user can zoom it out in order to see the whole thing. Upon zooming out, though, UIScrollView snaps the ImageView to the top-left of the scrollview. I want this…
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2 answers

how to set horizontal scrolling in UITableView by using interface builder?

I have UITableView in my app with 2 columns.I can read column 1 and half of column 2.My questions are- can we add horizontal scroll by use of interface builder in uitableview so i can read column 2 for all cells in table? should we have to add some…
0 answers

smooth transition between 2 scrollviews

As you can see below I have a ViewController(lets call it viewController A) that contains a container view with a ViewController inside(lets call that ViewController B). So whats happening below is when you scroll up ViewController A's scrollview…
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1 answer

Right anchor of UIScrollView does not apply

I have a UIViewController? SingleEventController displaying Events. Because it has dynamic information to show, I chose to create a new class UIScrollView EventScrollView. I tried to realize that based on this very well explained Answer. I tried to…
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2 answers

How to set scrollview height programmatically

How can I set the scrollview height programmatically in Xcode 9 with Swift 4? I've set a constraint for the scrollview height and added that as an outlet. But when I change the outlet constant value programmatically it doesn't change the…
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