Questions tagged [uicomponents]

167 questions
1 answer

How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml

When creating a custom component in android it is often asked how to create and pass through the attrs property to the constructor. It is often suggested that when creating a component in java that you simply use the default constructor, i.e. new…
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5 answers

Find component by ID in JSF

I want to find some UIComponent from managed bean by the id that I have provided. I have written the following code: private UIComponent getUIComponent(String id) { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(id) ; …
Tapas Bose
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7 answers

How to add progress bar control to Matlab gui?

Is there a ready made progress bar uicontrol that can be added to Matlab gui, either uicontrol or ActiveX component? [edit] I know about the waitbar function, I meant a component that can be implemented into the designed GUI and not just pop out of…
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2 answers

Embed XNA in WinForms

Is it possible to embed an XNA game in a C# WinForm or a C++ Window. If yes then How. I want to use normal UI controls & have a windowed interface of the game for more interactive & dynamic simulations.
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10 answers

What is the Best UI Component Set for WPF?

Looking for a general purpose WPF toolset. Currently looking at Telerik and Infragistics. Are there better options out there? Of those two, which is better?
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Full UI widget toolkit rendering in WebGL

Is there currently any full widget toolkit providing components rendering in WebGL only? Similar to the ZebraUI project, which renders a full UI component set in HTML5 canvas? The idea is to write pure JavaScript, and still be able to shaders to…
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4 answers

Designing Application that can accept add ins

Like there are many Applications which are just basic but you can have install add-ins for it which extends its functionality in that Application. For example: Fire Bug in Mozilla Firefox. How do they design such applications and how does the…
Afnan Bashir
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1 answer

Find component by type in JSF

My question is related to this one Get all hidden input fields in JSF dynamically but it's not the same as I want to work with JSF and not plain HTML, and assuming that I have the following in my .xhtml file:
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3 answers

External link is not working in Next.js when you want to use Link component

I was very surprised that a simple Link component is not working in Next.js when you want to use an external URL and HTML Button tag inside it. Below you can see how I tried to solve the problem: Approach number 1:
Mario Boss
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1 answer

Android components for displaying a graph (nodes and edges, in 2D)?

I'm at the starting point of developing an android app similar to a "mindmap" program (like Thinking Space). It shows some graph nodes (containing text, maybe images) and edges that connecting them. I can take care of graph algorithms, but I have…
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4 answers

.NET Query Builder component

Can anyone reccomend a free .NET libary which allows you to expose a SQL Query builder to your users in a windows form app? I'd like my users to be able to run relatively straight forward SELECT statements, including some JOINS and other…
Brian Sweeney
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2 answers

How to add existing JSF components to my own custom components?

I have a tag class which extends UIComponent and UIOutput. In this class I have encodeBegin and encodeEnd which I can use my contextWriter to output any kinda html tag I want too by using writer.startElement("div", myComponent) and so on. My…
Chris Dale
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1 answer

magento2: loading an uicomponent with Ajax

I've been struggling with that for days... For an admin extension, I'm trying to load an uiComponent with Ajax to be displayed in a tab. The uiComponent is correctly loaded but seems not to be fully processed by client-side knockout logic.…
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3 answers

@Inject-ed value null in @FacesComponent

I have the impression that CDI is not working with classes that have a @javax.faces.component.FacesComponent. Is this true? Here's my example, that doesn't work. The MyInjectableClass is used at other points in the code where injection is not a…
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2 answers

Which UI frameworks are recommended to use with Backbone.js?

Is there a recommended framework with UI widgets (like grids, trees. etc.), to use with Backbone? I saw questions about integrating Kendo with Backbone. Do you know other (and also free) frameworks that can work good with Backbone? Thanks.
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