Questions tagged [uiactionsheet]

UIActionSheet and UIActionSheetDelegate is deprecated in iOS 8. To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet. The UIActionSheet class of the Apple iOS can be used to present to user a modal view with a descriptive text and some buttons the user can choose from. An action sheet displays a set of choices related to a task the user initiates.

The action sheet has two different appearances. On iPhone (), an action sheet always emerges from the bottom of the screen and hovers over the application’s views (an action sheet for Safari on iPhone is shown above). The side edges of an action sheet are anchored to the sides of the screen, which reinforces its connection to the app and to the user’s most recent action.

On iPad (), an action sheet is always displayed within a popover; it never has full-screen width. An action sheet can cause a popover to appear, or it can appear within a popover that is already open. In both cases, there is a strong visual connection between the action sheet and the user’s action.

An action sheet always contains at least two buttons that allow users to choose how to complete their task. When users tap a button, the action sheet disappears. An action sheet does not include a title or explanatory text, because it appears in immediate response to a user action.


1001 questions
1 answer

How to make actionsheet button go to another page?

-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex { if (buttonIndex == 0) { self.label.text = @"Destructive Button Clicked"; } else if (buttonIndex == 1) { self.label.text = @"Other…
2 answers

Issue with actionSheet/textfield delegate when using TAB key

i have four Uitextfields, on one textfield i have set action sheet and three ohthers just for text is my code.. - (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{ if(textField.tag==3)// tag will be integer { …
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How to put an image on UIActionSheet?

How to put image on UIActionSheet on right position of text. Like given in apple music player. Note: Don't answer with custom view, if it is possible in UIActionSheet, Kindly let us know.
Abhishek Mitra
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How change UIactionsheet to Popover?

Use this code to open an actionsheet. On iPhone works perfectly, but on iPad it crashes. I think it's because of arm64. Probably I have to transform Actionsheet into a popover. How do I change this code? - (void)pushedNewBtn { UIActionSheet…
1 answer

Action sheet programmatically

Any one please help to create action sheet controller programmatically with xcode6 using swift language.
Rigel Networks
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If else statement is causing me trouble

I have an if else if statement that is giving me trouble. First, here's my code: if([_hasUserTakenAPhoto isEqual: @"YES"]) { _xButtonAfterPhotoTaken = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Delete" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel"…
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UIActionSheet for two UITextView

I have a UIActionSheet to change font of a UITextView. The problem I have is that I have added another UITextView and now wants that it depends on the open UITextView, (I mean open to edit, showing the keyboard) assign me the type of source in one…
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1 answer

Action Sheets and Alerts for deletions

guys. Apple in their apps for delete action sometimes use Action Sheets or Alerts. And i dont understand, when i should use Action Sheets, and when Alerts. In the HIG Apple write, that: Alerts disrupt the user experience and should only be used in…
1 answer

local declaration of 'myViewController' hides instance veriable

In the action sheet delegate method im modaling to another view based on the button index, this is the method: - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex { if (buttonIndex == 0) { …
nick shmick
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xcode ios NSRangeException on creating subviews

how do I change the code below to fix the pickerView being depreciated? This code has worked well before and did the job. I havent needed to compile for a while and when I was fixing another problem I bumped into this NSRangeException when it hits…
Mark Worsnop
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5 answers

How to create action sheet Delete in IOS

I want to create action sheet same bellow picture with Delete button red color and Cancel button. How can i do that? Thanks much
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