Questions tagged [uiactionsheet]

UIActionSheet and UIActionSheetDelegate is deprecated in iOS 8. To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet. The UIActionSheet class of the Apple iOS can be used to present to user a modal view with a descriptive text and some buttons the user can choose from. An action sheet displays a set of choices related to a task the user initiates.

The action sheet has two different appearances. On iPhone (), an action sheet always emerges from the bottom of the screen and hovers over the application’s views (an action sheet for Safari on iPhone is shown above). The side edges of an action sheet are anchored to the sides of the screen, which reinforces its connection to the app and to the user’s most recent action.

On iPad (), an action sheet is always displayed within a popover; it never has full-screen width. An action sheet can cause a popover to appear, or it can appear within a popover that is already open. In both cases, there is a strong visual connection between the action sheet and the user’s action.

An action sheet always contains at least two buttons that allow users to choose how to complete their task. When users tap a button, the action sheet disappears. An action sheet does not include a title or explanatory text, because it appears in immediate response to a user action.


1001 questions
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UITableViewCell Content Disappears

I have a uiTableView with 3 cells that have a uiContextualAction implemented through the trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt delegate method. On tap of the uiContextualAction I display an actionSheet with two actions - delete and dismiss. When…
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how to give two actions for one button in uitableview?

I've been looking around to find a solution to this, but can't seem to find one that works for me. How to do two actions for one UIButton in iOS Objective C. My app contain "login user" and "guest user". If login user comes in UITableView enquiry…
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How to set imageview in UIActionSheet in iOS

In my application having sharing option so i want to open that sharing option in Actionsheet. how how to achieve this functionality? NSArray * itemsArray = @[@"", @"Google", @"5.png"]; // Anything you want to share NSArray *…
Monika Patel
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Swift - UIAlertAction - could not find member named Default?

I'm trying to add an action sheet. From what I have read, UIActionSheet is depreciated in IOS 8, and one should use an Alert Controller instead. Here is my code snippet: let optionMenu = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle:…
dan martin
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How can I add a gesture to a UIActionSheet?

In iOS8 ,I want to add a gesture to an UIActionSheet so I can close the ActionSheet when I tap on background. but actionsheet.frame is (0,0,0,0),addGestureRecognizer doesn't work,addSubview neither.
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Action sheet is not getting dismissed on clicking outside the popup

In ios 7.0 I just want to close that action sheet whenever the user presses outside of that popover.I am showing that action sheet on button click and using this code trying to get some tap gesture on…
2 answers

Why does [uiActionSheet showInView:self.view.window] "hang" in iOS8?

I have an app in AppStore (iPhone-only, iOS3.1+ compatible, 2011 Xcode 3 compile) that has been working amazingly fine for three years untouched. Recently however it started "freezing" on iOS8 under certain conditions. That happens in couple of…
Nas Banov
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1 answer

UIActionSheet Won't Allow Two Buttons

I am creating a UIActionSheet using the Swift programming language with SDK8.1 targeting iOS7.0+. The below code shows my action sheet creation: //Opens action sheet for image selection @IBAction func showActionSheet(){ …
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how to add four buttons in 1 row using UIAction Sheet

I am new in ios. I am using Action sheet in my project.I want to ask that what can i do in order to add four buttons in UIaction sheet. Here is my try code but it is showing four buttons on four different rows: …
Mishal Awan
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UIActionSheet, store id object for each cell is possible?

For my needs in my app what I need is store id object in each button and not to be relying on buttonIndex. I've no idea how can I do it. Any ideas?
Idan Moshe
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IOS: Disable dismiss function when tap outside UIActionsheet

I have a problem about UIActionsheet. When user tap outside action sheet, app will auto call dismiss function to dismiss action sheet, so how can I disable this function? -> User only press cancel button to dismiss action sheet. Thanks,
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UIActionSheet showInView give warning : invalid context 0x0

I'm trying to show UIActionSheet in self.view.parentview. But I got below warning while running : CGContextSetFillColorWithColor: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application, or a library it uses, is using an invalid…
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Xcode iOS7 Custom UIActionSheet (Blocks)

I have been working on custom UIAlertViews and UIActionSheets for too long, so I would really appreciate any help. I am trying to achieve an UIActionSheet as the UIAlertView shown in the picture below. How am I supposed to do that? I tried to use…
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Place an Add button to an android picker with SimpleCursorAdapter

I would like to display a Android Spinner which shows data from a SQLite DB. The user however should be able to add new items to this Spinner. On the iPhone / iOS I use ActionSheetPicker to achive this goal. It looks like this: How to to this with…
Thorsten Niehues
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1 answer

Change a UIActionSheet's UIAlertButton's font

How can I gain access to a UIAlertView button's titleLabel property? I've tried the following code: for (UIView *view in action.subviews) { if([view isKindOfClass:[NSClassFromString(@"UIAlertButton") class]]) { //Do…
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