Questions tagged [ufs]

9 questions
1 answer

Opening up ZFS pool as writable

I have installed FreeBSD onto a raw image file using QEMU Emulator successfully. I have formatted the image file using the ZFS file system (ZFS POOL). Using the following commands below I have successfully mounted the image file ready to be opened…
2 answers

What is the difference between container layer and volume in Docker?

In the context of docker I understand what layers of an image is and what's the uppermost writable layer. If I run docker container without any -v arguments will any volumes get created? If I do specify a volume (which is not a mount to some…
The Governor
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1 answer

According to the union file system, does image actually container another image?

In Docker, an image is a stack of Read-only image layers. We also know that images share layers or other images. My question is about how this sharing mechanism work. Does an image have pointers to the Docker storage driver or do they actually…
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0 answers

How to determine if an android application uses Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Secure Element (SE)?

I have gone through questions One and Two. But still I have an additional question. How do we find out that an android application uses Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Secure Element (SE). Particularly a hardware backed environment. Thanks
1 answer

Does every mount on FreeBSD need the 10% "root space"?

So, our servers are being managed by a hosting provider. These servers are running FreeBSD. Each disk we let them mount loses 10% of it's disk space. I know (if I understand correctly) that this is normal and the reason is that the file-system…
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1 answer

How to find out if an android device is using Trusty TEE security OS?

I am new to Trusty TEE OS. Is there any way to find out if an Android Device uses such an OS without rooting the device ? AFAIK there, DRM (Digital Rights Management) is the most widely used application of Trusty OS. Some examples for DRM frameworks…
1 answer

gpart: Unknown command: resize

I'm trying to resize a UFS file system on an old FreeBSD server (FreeBSD 7.1). I'm using gpart to do this,following this documentation: I may be running an old/deprecated version of it or…
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0 answers

How to remove an entry in a fixed length array in C?

I am working on a program that resembles the Unix File System. I am working in C. I am stuck on the following problem: The function in question is a function that removes a specific file entry from a directory. The directory has an iNode and a…
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0 answers

Torusware speedus and Hazelcast

after watching a presentation about how Speedus can optimize 110% the Hazelcast performance I decided to give it a try. I did the following setup, I downloaded the Ubuntu docker image supplied with speedus. My host operating system is MacOs with 8…
Alexander Petrov
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