Questions tagged [uart]

A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is used for serial (where each bit of data is transmitted along the same connection) communications over a computer or peripheral device serial port.

UART is usually an individual (or part of an) integrated circuit used for serial communications over a computer or peripheral device serial port. UARTs are now commonly included in microcontrollers.

Simple serial link via UART uses two lines TxD and RxD, other than ground, for transmit and receive data:

Simple UART connection

It is asynchronous communication. Hence data transfer settings (number of bits, baudrate etc.) should be matched between devices wanting to communicate. The electric signaling levels and methods are handled by a driver circuit external to the UART.

More information:

1558 questions
4 answers

C: Splitting integer and converting it to ASCII

I would like to split integer into digits and then convert each digit to ASCII (in C programming language). Example: int x = 0xABC /* split integers */ int x1 = 0xA int x2 = 0xB int x3 = 0xC /* convert integers to ASCII */ int x1 = 0x41 int x2 =…
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1 answer

embedding code into MSP430 without JTAG

I am a newbie in this subject and want to learn how to embed codes into MSP430. I have a breakout board MSP430-H5438 and I am not using JTAG interface. I have the IAR generated codes (hex files) ready (ADC, SPI interfaces), however I could not load…
1 answer

Data processing from uart

I'm stuck upon this problem writing code for an application in Java, that is connected with external device Uc which takes samples from multiple channels of ADC and sends them back to app for proccessing and graphing. My problem is, that I don't…
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0 answers

UART and FSK implementation of C8051F996

I am trying to send a UART signal but FSK encoded. I have the UART working, with baud rate 290. I am sending on P0.7TX. When hooked up to a computer, I get the expected results. However, I would like to generate FSK signals of this UART to send via…
1 answer

No interrupts being triggered in UART Receive on PIC18F2680

I have been working with this code for days and cannot figure out why my interrupts are not being triggered. I know data is coming through successfully because I used a probe on a logic analyzer, also my baud rate is correct as I can transmit with…
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1 answer

Freertos and the necessity of uart transmit interrupt

For uart reception, it's pretty obvious to me what can go wrong in case of 'blocking receive' over uart. Even in freertos with a dedicated task to read from uart, context / task switching could result in missing bytes that were received in the uart…
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1 answer

Too much time taking for the copy the data

I have a some problem with for loop copies' time I don't why for loop is taking much time for the copy small data size. I am using PIC24FJ256GL406 MCU and everything is fine but when operate the UART micro-controller is running slow because some…
1 answer

UART only receiving FF and FE

I am currently working on transmitting from a PIC18F4620, through a FT232, to CoolTerm. I am currently only receiving FF and FE from the PIC though. I was wondering why this may be the case. The Rx - TX are correctly switched, the cable connecting…
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1 answer

Enabling second UART in U-Boot

I am working on a project with SAMA5D3-xplained board with CortexA5 processor and embedded Linux. I would like to send and receive some data via UART during U-Boot is running and before a kernel is loaded to the RAM. I have no idea what I should do.…
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1 answer

How do I read data form uart on an STM32 Nucleo-L433-RC

I' m trying to read data from uart on a NUCLEO-L433RC-P and echo it back. I expected it is enough to call, but it is not working that way. Writing on uart is working fine. Did I miss something when initilizing peripherals or is read just…
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1 answer

iBeacon notification data comes unreadable?

I am using a HM-10 (v709) as a master, with a Arduino. I want to get a value from a iBeacon's notification. I connect to the iBeacon and turn on notifications for the characteristic, but the notifications I receive look like this: ⸮ or ⸮ or x⸮⸮⸮⸮ or…
August Kimo
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1 answer

how to convert EFM32LG reference manual setting into C setting in Simplisity studio

bellow we have USARTn_FRAME table . inside of it some of its properties tables. Also i tried to look at the functions that control these properties from the link bellow, How do i define in simplisity studio with code an object with 8 data bits and…
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1 answer

Can't install the drivers needed to connect my Tracer BN Solar Charger to Raspberry Pi 4

I'm trying to use pymodbus lib to retrieve data from my Epever tracer BN series solar charge controller, here is my pymodbus code: from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient client = ModbusClient(method = 'rtu', port =…
André Gomes
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1 answer

How to write a hex string over UART for PIC Microcontrollers in C?

I'm having trouble writing a hex string for UART. I can send a single byte, for example: UART2_Write(0x80); I'm now needing to do a full hex string so something like the following: UART2_Write(0x80, 0x70, 0xAD, etc) Can anyone help? Do I need to…
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1 answer

what is the best way to synchronize the serial communication between two microcontrollers using UART?

Suppose we have two microcontrollers , UART module was initialized to work as a Transmitter and Receiver ( full doublex communication ) for both of them. Before the super loope one of them send a certain byte , and in the super loop some times the…
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