Questions tagged [hm-10]

HM-10 is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module, interfaced via serial port (UART).

HM-10 is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module.


  • conforms to BLE 4.0 specification
  • based on Texas Instruments CC2540 or CC2541 SoC
  • power: 3.3V
  • interfaced via serial port (UART)
  • uses text commands for configuration that only is sort of similar to AT commands used by modems
  • widely used by hobbyists and in embedded applications

Full specification can be found in datasheet.

Official site: Jinan Huamao Technology Company (JNHuaMao).

Be aware of the special handling needed for text command handling. Code that is written to talk to HM-10 cannot be reused to talk with normal modems/phones that uses AT commands and vice versa. Significant differences include

  • Complete lack of generic Final Result Codes (like OK and ERROR). Instead every single possible variation of result and information text needs to be explicitly handled.
  • No indication of failures will be given.
  • The syntax is very different in many, many aspects.
104 questions
4 answers

HM10 ble change characteristic value AT command Arduino

Can anyone help me with the AT command to write characteristic value, Or how to send data from arduino to another ble device using Hm10 module. The HM10 after sending the AT+START, does advertise packets, and can detect the service and…
7 answers

Cant connect the HM-10 bluetooth to Arduino Uno

I have tried everything, really, everything. The HM-10 module(bluetooth), has its led and its blinks, than if you connect to it from their app, the led stop blinking and you get the UUID on the iDevice. Problem starts when you try to program the…
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1 answer

BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() returns status=133

The scenario is: I have an android dongle running my app and in the other side I have an HM10 LE bluetooth attached to an esp8266. I'm trying to connect via bluetooth the android dongle through my app to the HM10. I've done this successfully during…
while true
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2 answers

Connect multiple BLE devices to Arduino

I need to connect multiple Bluetooth 4.0 devices to the arduino. There is a "master" module, which is an arduino + WiFi + HM-10 BLE module. Then there are "slave" modules, which are made with an arduino + sensor + HM-10 BLE module. I have one master…
2 answers

Developing for BLE windows 8.1

I've found scatterings around the web but no concise answer. Everyone talks about developing BLE for Android and iOS, but how does one develop for Windows in C# (.NET)? I've found…
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3 answers

How to use BLE Shield based on HM-10 bluetooth module?

I'm a new bie on arduino projects. I would like to ask you for some help. I bought a BLE Shield for Arduino from ( ). They made this shield using Hm-10 Bluetooth…
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1 answer

How do I set services and characteristics for HM-10 BLE on Arduino Uno?

I have an Arduino Uno connected to an HM-10 BLE device. I want to be able to communicate with this through a Xamarin forms application. Unfortunately, I realized that in order to do so, it is necessary to define available services and supporting…
Jeppe Christensen
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1 answer

How to get the characteristic(s) of HM-10 Bluetooth LE in iOS

I am trying to send some data from an iOS device to the HM-10 Bluetooth LE Module connected to an arduino. Problem is after connecting to the module discoverServices doesn't return a characteristic for the service. func peripheral(peripheral:…
2 answers

estimating distance to ibeacon AVR

I want to ask about I Beacon advertising, especially Tx Power. I used two BLE module HM10 and HM11. I make one as a ibeacon (HM10). and other one used to connect and listen to HM10 broadcasting. I used MCU ATmega32 AVR tied with HM11 and I used…
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0 answers

How to send data from esp32(BLE) to (HM-10 interfaced with arduino)?

This is the full code for esp32 // ESP32 Example of the Bluetooth connection to the HM-10 module (CC2541) JDY-08 // Writes to the serial interface of the HM-10 module "Hello World" // Receives serial data from the HM-10 module #include…
1 answer

Why I can't send message if I don't unpair my Bluetooth LE Device each time ? (UWP)

I'm currently working on an application, which would send a message to a Bluetooth LE device. Everything works fine on the first start up, but on the second start up, I get an exception. Application Code getDevices() function public async…
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0 answers

Limit HM-10 (bluetooth 4.0) to just one connection

I have created an application with an Arduino and a IOS app and they're communicating over Bluetooth 4.0 (HM-10). The communication works fine, but I want to limit the 7 possible connections to just one connection. If one device is connected to the…
Rik Wout
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1 answer

How can I use CC41-A HM10 BLE as a master to detect a Android Mobile or iPhone as slave?

I’m trying to use the CC41a BLE as a master to detect a Android Mobile(Redmi Prime,Motorola moto x play) but when I do AT+INQ it only returns : “+INQS +INQE Devices Found 0” In the same time these two mobile phones working as a master detect CC41a…
0 answers

HM-11 BLE Battery Service

How can I include battery information in the IBeacon advertisement packet of HM-11 BLE module. I have tried deploying the Ibeacon mode on HM-10 modules, but on testing the transmitted packets using BLE Android app the battery service seems to be…
2 answers

Is it possible to use HM-10 or HM-11 BLE Module with Arduino to communicate with an iOS device (ANCS)?

I would like to build a smartwatch for my iPhone based on the arduino tools and libraries. But I have a problem with BLE: I know there is already a library for the nRF8001 for ancs ( , but I want to use the…
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