Questions tagged [typesafe-activator]

Typesafe Activator is a browser-based or command-line tool that helps developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform.

Typesafe is a GUI/CLI tool to helpwith building reactive applicaions. It uses sbt (simple (or scala) build tool)behind the scenes to build, run, and test your project. It provides a code editing interface, and provides templaes and seeds for you to clone. The seeds can be found here

Typesafe Activator is open source:
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428 questions
1 answer

Why does Activator finish with Server access Error: Operation timed out?

I have created a project with Typesafe Activator 1.2.2, but my computer cannot resolve dependencies. I use Scala. I have a Mac with Mavericks (I had the same problem with Snow Leopard). The strange thing is that my project works perfectly fine on my…
2 answers

Why is UnknownHostException: when running activator ui?

I am getting the following exception after starting activator ui from command line. Checking for a newer version of Activator (current version 1.2.2)... ... our current version 1.2.2 looks like the latest. Found previous process id: 2988 FOUND…
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OutofmemoryError: PermGen on play 2.2.2

I created a simple play project (hello-play) using activator (Typesafe Activator 1.1.1). My sbt script looks like SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M" java $SBT_OPTS -jar `dirname…
Soumya Simanta
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Compilation Error Migration Play 2.1.1 to 2.2

I try to migrate a Java play framework project from play 2.1.1. to 2.2.0. I followed the migration guide ( but get following compilation error after applying the…
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Typesafe Activator: hello-slick tutorial adding an table input line gives Referential integrity constraint violation

I was using the Typesafe Activator to learn the Play Framework. I am in the hello-slick tutorial. I wanted to see if I could modify the code to add an additional line to the coffees table. coffees += ("Test", 102, 7.99, 0, 0) I have put the line…
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Typesafe Activator Reative Maps java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

I downloaded and installed the latest version of Typesafe Activator, and created a new project with the Reactive Maps template, then tried to run it, but I get all kinds of java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exceptions in the log, and the UI is…
Eric Kolotyluk
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Trying to understand scala code in Activator reactive maps examples in Play2

I'm trying to understand the following piece of code in the Activator reactive maps example. I would appreciate if someone can explain the ( __ \ "event") and ~ part of code. object UserPositions { implicit def userPositionsFormat:…
Soumya Simanta
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1 answer

Error when runnning Scala app using Typesafe Activator

When I try to run an app using Typesafe Activator, I get this error: Loading main class information... launching discoveredMainClasses task Loading project definition from /project_path/project /project_path/build.sbt:7: error: not found: value…
Daniel Cukier
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How do i tell the typesafe activator to serve play applications over https?

I believe that the play framework can self sign a certificate and serve applications over https if asked to - is this also doable with the typesafe activator? If so, how?
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Typesafe-activator-eclipsified project has an endless list of dependencies in the scala ide

I have imported an typesafe-activator-eclipsified project into scala ide and I end up with an endless list of dependencies/jars in my ide which I find a little awkward to work with (see below). Is there a way to group all jars into one item (e.g.…
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Template cannot be resolved for Typesafe Activator in Windows 8

I downloaded the latest Typesafe activator-1.0.10. I unzipped the zip and started the activator in UI mode. Now when I try to create an application using the template Hello Play Framework (Java Only), the activator fails with a message as…
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TimeoutException while creating new app in Typesafe Activator Commandline

Every time i'm getting following error when i try to create new app using typesafe activator command line.By Activator UI its working normal & m using Typesafe Activator 1.0.10 in Fedora20. Enter an application name > hello-scala Futures timed out…
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1 answer

Undefined resolver 'local' using Typesafe activator/sbt publishLocal

I'm just starting with Scala and the TypeSafe stack and I've decided to start my experiments with Typesafe Activator. I'm working on a project that is intended to be a figurative followup to Hello World that will allow me to learn how to work with…
1 answer

Is it possible to use typesafe activator laucher to achieve the same thing as the zip release?

As a scaffolding tool, the official release has a size of 238MB , which is too big and I already have an repo on my local, why activator ships another repo and continue downloading the existing dependencies into it? The launcher is actually really…
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1 answer

Typesafe Activator java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when explicitly setting Global object in config.file

In a Scala Play2 application I want to define indivdual settings for different environments. My approach is to use different .conf files and start with -Dconfig.file=... . Things work when calling play -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf or play…
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