Questions tagged [twitter-bootstrap-tooltip]

This tag is for questions related to the Twitter Bootstrap tooltip jQuery plugin.

Tooltip is a jQuery plugin that is part of . It may be used to display the content of the title attribute.

From the tooltip documentation:

Inspired by the excellent jQuery.tipsy plugin written by Jason Frame; Tooltips are an updated version, which don't rely on images, use CSS3 for animations, and data-attributes for local title storage.

229 questions
2 answers

Bootstrap Tooltip Not working with aria-describedby

I didn`t understand why my bootstrap tooltip not work. when i add title attributes to element and hover on it, title attributes set to null and add one other element call area-describedby.
1 answer

How to prevent Bootstrap Tootip from falling apart?

The Bootstrap Tootip will randomly fall apart, separating it's arrow from it's body, as illustrated on the image below: I tested this on multiple browsers using this webpage and this behavior can be seen randomly but still occurring: Tooltip on…
Michel Feinstein
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bootstrap tooltip issue with absolute position and body horizontal scroll

I'm designing a joomla horizontal scroll website by specifying the width of the body to be 4500px wide and absolute positioning the content I want (tried loads of different ways and this one works the best for me). The problem is bootstrap tooltips…
1 answer

Increase length of tooltip/popover in ShinyBS

The ShinyBS package provides a great and easy way to add tooltips and popovers to elements of a Shiny app. However, the length of these is sharply limited at around 40 characters. I really need to increase the number of characters allowed in these…
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Unable to load Bootstrap tooltip via Ajax

i'm trying to load (via Ajax Call) a tooltip whose title is in HTML tags. In the first page load when it is loaded by the include_once function, the tooltip works fine, but not when i trigger the page load with Ajax Call. Here are my files…
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Twig filter return inside html tag

I am trying to display an Bootstrap tooltip much easier and cleaner inside twig template. I want to achieve something like this: I've created twig filter: class TooltipExtension extends…
1 answer

while bootstrap tooltip active prevents jquery event from firing

I got an input field that displays a bootstrap tooltip when focused.
1 answer

Bootstrap Tooltip on Filestyle input element

Is there a way to attach a Bootstrap Tooltip to a Filestyle input element? Something that would appear like this when hovered over: I've tried the following without success:
0 answers

Bootstrap .tooltip() 'hide' event bubbles up regardless of stopPropagation()

Our customer's application is running on Bootstrap 2.3.2, and because of compatibility with some old plugins also still jQuery 1.8.3. The application is a media file organizer with folders and a grid view. We have a file manager modal that can be…
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Bootstrap Tooltip doesn't work if element is initially hidden

I have some buttons that show detailed information with Bootstrap tooltips. My main problem is that these buttons are initially hidden in a div (display:none;) and when the div is shown (display:block;) the tooltips don't work. How can i overcome…
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1 answer

How to apply bootstrap.tooltips plugin to elements dynamically generated?

I am trying to create dynamic td elements using Datatables from an AJAX feed. Here is the relevant aoColumnDefs for the column: "aoColumnDefs": [ { "mRender":function(data, type, row) { return '' + …
1 answer

How to show form elements in bootstrap tooltip?

I am trying to show form elements in bootstrap tooltip but it's not working. Tooltip shows any type of html including tables and list, but doesn't display form elements i.e input, select etc. $(document).ready(function(){ html=…
2 answers

Rails yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js is not working and cannot use bootstrap tooltip

I am using rails 6 version Here are all my steps for setup bootstrap 4: step 1: rails new test_tooltip step 2: rails g controller welcome index step 3: in welcome/index.html.erb

Tooltip Example

1 answer

Bootstrap-tooltip in Aurelia

I need to use bootstrap-tooltip in aurelia framework. For this, I have created a BootstrapTooltip attribute class. import {customAttribute, inject} from "aurelia-framework"; import $ from…
1 answer

Adding a tooltip to a cell in a Bootstrap Table using Dash

I am using Dash to build an application and part of the application is displaying a data table. I convert the table from a pandas dataframe to a Bootstrap Table in Dash using the Table() function from dash-bootstrap-components. With my table set…
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