Questions tagged [twitter-bootstrap-2]

Bootstrap 2 is the second generation of the front-end framework allowing for speedier web development. For question about Bootstrap 3, please use "twitter-bootstrap-3".

Bootstrap 2.3.2 has been replaced by Bootstrap 3


Bootstrap 2 provides a basic 12-column grid system:

<div class="row">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span8">...</div>

Bootstrap documentation about scaffolding


Bootstrap 2 provides styles for common HTML elements like typography, code, tables, forms, and buttons. It also includes Glyphicons, a great little icon set.

Bootstrap 2.3.2 documentation about CSS


Some JavaScript components are provided:

  • Button groups
  • Button dropdowns
  • Navigational tabs, pills, and lists
  • Navbar
  • Labels
  • Badges
  • Page headers and hero unit
  • Thumbnails
  • Alerts
  • Progress bars
  • Modals
  • Dropdowns
  • Tooltips
  • Popovers
  • Accordion
  • Carousel
  • Typeahead

Bootstrap 2.3.2 documentation about Components

Use CDN for Bootstrap 2

383 questions
1 answer

Bootstrap Pagination Content

I am trying to use the bootstrap pagination plugin but I am a little lost as to how I can display content using this feature. The code will display "page" followed by the page number. Can anyone tell me how to add text in paragraphs? Please see the…
1 answer

Change position of hint using simple form and bootstrap

I am using Rails 3.1x, SimpleForm 2.1, and Bootstrap 2.2.x, and I want to change the position of the hint text on some of my forms. Currently if I use code such as the following (this is a simplified version) <%= simple_form_for @user, :html => {…
1 answer

Bootstrap NavBar Dropdown

ON BOOTSTRAP 2.3.2 Dropdown menu wont appear when I click on it despite me referencing it correctly. As per usual in all Bootstrap based Dropdowns I have added a CDN to read from (The Javascript File). Could some please note why this isn't working?…
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2 answers

Is bootstrap 2.2 or 2.X compatible with IE11?

I am using bootstrap 2.2.1 for my application, will it be compatible with IE 11? Bootstrap images are not displaying in IE 11 need to add any additional plugin?? I am also using Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-Bit, please suggest thanks in…
1 answer

bootstrap to WordPress conversion

I searched both stack overflow and the web without any really good resources. What is the best way to take a downloaded bootstrapped template and use it as a WordPress theme. Traditionally, I would go through the process of building all the…
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6 answers

bootstrap alert not working

I am trying to make an alert using bootstrap and its not wokring. In the mozilla firebug console its showing ReferenceError: $ is not defined $('#openAlert').click(function () { The code is as follows.May i know what is missing.I am including…
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2 answers

Bootstrap dropdown wont work. Tried everything... (bootstrap 2.3.2)

I tried setup a dropdown in my navbar but I can't make it work. When I click on the account button, it just adds a # to the title. I tried linking the bootstrap-dropdown into the file, I added a javascript but nothing works. I had the same problems…
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1 answer

post an update user's password using $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] return 500 (Internal Server Error)

i want to update user's password and place $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] so i can update without user go to another page. But im die trying. Here is.. history.php
H. Tom
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