Questions tagged [twitter-bootstrap-2]

Bootstrap 2 is the second generation of the front-end framework allowing for speedier web development. For question about Bootstrap 3, please use "twitter-bootstrap-3".

Bootstrap 2.3.2 has been replaced by Bootstrap 3


Bootstrap 2 provides a basic 12-column grid system:

<div class="row">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span8">...</div>

Bootstrap documentation about scaffolding


Bootstrap 2 provides styles for common HTML elements like typography, code, tables, forms, and buttons. It also includes Glyphicons, a great little icon set.

Bootstrap 2.3.2 documentation about CSS


Some JavaScript components are provided:

  • Button groups
  • Button dropdowns
  • Navigational tabs, pills, and lists
  • Navbar
  • Labels
  • Badges
  • Page headers and hero unit
  • Thumbnails
  • Alerts
  • Progress bars
  • Modals
  • Dropdowns
  • Tooltips
  • Popovers
  • Accordion
  • Carousel
  • Typeahead

Bootstrap 2.3.2 documentation about Components

Use CDN for Bootstrap 2

383 questions
6 answers

Is it possible to render indeterminate progress bar with Twitter Bootstrap?

Is it possible to render indeterminate progress bar with Twitter Bootstrap (either v2 or v3) using either some build-in functionality or 3rd party plugin? I trued to google for it, but with no luck. Example of I want to achieve:
6 answers

Twitter Bootstrap / jQuery - How to temporarily prevent the modal from being closed?

I am using Twitter Bootstrap modals, with the default options where you can click the backdrop or press [Esc] to close the modal. However, when I initiate an ajax operation in the modal I want to disable the modal from being closed in any way. So I…
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5 answers

Less v2 does not compile Twitter's Bootstrap 2.x

When compiling Twitter's Bootstrap 2.3.2. with Less 2 i found to following error: NameError: #grid > .core > .span is undefined in /home/bootstrap-2.3.2/less/navbar.less on line 199, column 3: 198 .navbar-fixed-bottom .container { 199 #grid >…
Bass Jobsen
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6 answers

How to achieve a "mini" select style using Bootstrap (or straight CSS)?

I'm using Bootstrap's btn-mini class for "mini" buttons and am looking for something analogous to create a "mini" select element, where the select button (i.e. the part you click to show the list of options, not the list of options itself) is the…
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5 answers

vertical-align: middle with Bootstrap 2

I use the twitter bootstrap and I wanted to align verticaly a div block with a picture and the text at the right. Here is the code:
  1. bgondy
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15 answers

Bootstrap v2 Dropdown Navigation not working on Mobile Browsers

I am having an issue with the Bootstrap menu dropdowns on mobile devices (Bootstrap 2). A similar question was asked here with dropdown buttons, however the answer for that was an inherent bug within bootstrap which was solved in an update. I appear…
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8 answers

How to use Twitter Bootstrap 2 with play framework 2.x

I know that current Play! distribution has a helper for Bootstrap 1.4. What should I do if I want to use the current version of Bootstrap?
8 answers

How to use Bootstrap scroll spy?

I cannot quite get the scroll spy to work properly with a vertical nav. Below you can find the code I use. For some reason, only "Two" gets active. Anyone has an idea as of what is wrong?
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5 answers

How do you disable the title in Twitter Bootstrap's popover plugin?

I'm using popover to display an image which doesn't require a title. If you don't set "title", it still displays an area where the title would be. How do you turn this off completely?
Scott C Wilson
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3 answers

Is there anything built into to Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 to align table contents?

It is easy to align table by setting "align" attribute, but table aligning by css is a bit hacky. Is there built-in support for tables aligning in Twitter Bootstrap 2.0?
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4 answers

What is the difference between bootstrap.css and bootstrap-combined.min.css?

I am using bootstrap.css and I found that there is another css file named bootstrap-combined.min.css, is there any difference in style? Is there any need to include both css files? Which one is more preferable?
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3 answers

How to divide a Twitter bootstrap modal into 2 parts

I have the following html