Questions tagged [twa]

A Trusted Web Activity is a way for Android applications to run a full-screen Chrome browser tab to render trusted web content.

What's different about a TWA?

A Trusted Web Activity runs a Chrome browser full screen in an Android app, meaning there is no browser UI visible in the app, including the URL bar. This is a powerful capability so we need to verify that the app and the site belong to the same developer - hence ‘Trusted’. To verify that the app and the site opened in the TWA belong to the same developer, a TWA uses Digital Asset Links to certify ownership. - Introducing a Trusted Web Activity for Android - Chromium Blog


Trusted Web Activities are available in Chrome on Android, version 72 and above. - Using Trusted Web Activities - Google Developers Updates

Useful links

75 questions
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Trusted web activity (TWA) in combination with native in app purchase

I'm using a TWA as almost my whole app. The only problem, I want to use the native in app purchase system that google is offering. Everywhere I look there is a sentence that you can use native stuff like push notifications, in app purchase etc. What…
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TWA URL bar not hiding

we are tring to push in through our PWA to the Android Play store using TWA by using the codes from this github repository By following the instructions to debug the digital asset links, I get the…
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TWA android app Error :' is inaccessible

I tried to convert my pwa app to android app using TWA [][1] . I followed all the steps. When I click Build and run the app using android emulator it throughs error 2019-09-18 15:38:31.942…
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How do I monetize my PWA on play store (using TWA)

Good morning everyone, I am working on a Vuejs (Quasar) PWA and I intend to publish it on play store using TWA, my concern is with monetization through AdSense. First of all, I need to place the google script in the head tag of my index.html for the…
1 answer

Do TWA's have access to IndexedDB?

I have read conflicting answers on this. On the google site it says that TWAs do not have access to things like local browser storage. However i have read elsewhere that the TWA portion of the app doesnt the the PWA inside of it does have…
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Two way bridge between native android and progressive web apps in trusted web application

As per current understanding from TWA documentation, we can pass message between native android and web using URL intents and query parameters/custom headers. I want to pass information from web to native and return response based on the action to…
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Switch to a different activity from TWA

I've put together a PWA and wanted to convert it into an Android App. I've done so and my Android app consists of Main Activity and TWA that I start from the Main Activity. Is there a way to switch from inside the TWA to some other activity on some…
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404 not found on /.well-known/assetlinks.json

I am getting 404 error when accessing /.well-known/assetlinks.json on my site. It works locally but not when I deploy it to Heroku. I am using Svelte on Sapper with polka server. I tried adding it to the static folder, where all the other static…
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Push Notification in TWA shows an indicator in Chrome Icon instead app icon

I am building a Trusted Web Activity based on a Progressive Web App. Mostly everything works just fine, but the moment a web push notification is received by the device, in the android launcher the chrome app gets an indicator (small dot on the…
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FCM push notifications on mutliple TWA on same domain

I am working on a use case where I am trying to create multiple TWAs which run on same domain but with different routes. Like this TWA-1: TWA-2: TWA-3: I have gone through this…
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How to Disable Page Caching in Trusted Web Activity App?

I created a Trusted Web Activity App for one of my friends. Link: It's working absolutely fine but I am facing a small problem it is showing the cached pages even when the device is…
2 answers

How do I disable pull to refresh behavior in Trusted Web Activity (TWA)?

I have my PWA app which has this code in main.css file. @media all and (display-mode: fullscreen) { overscroll-behavior: none; } And when added to Homescreen and launched in fullscreen mode (set in manifest.json), pull-to-refresh is…
1 answer

Communication between Android native and Trusted Web Activity(TWA)

I wrapped a Vue js web app using android to make it TWA(Trusted Web App). Now I want to send firebase_token and other data from the Android part to the webapp in TWA. As all the Apis are on a web app and I don't want to call any API in Android. In…
Kapil Sahu
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Empty dynamic link assetlinks.json issue when using firebase hosting

The response of is coming [] instead of valid json. I've put the correct assetlinks.json file inside .well-known folder. What happens now is that my TWA shows a url bar (which is not supposed to if…
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How can I get my token_id ( Auth0 ) from my web app in my TWA?

I am using Auth0 as a provider for authentication, how can I get access to my web app token_id from the TWA ? Or is there a better way to go about it, I need this to set an external_user_id for my onesignal notification push..
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