Questions tagged [turbolinks-ios]

Turbolinks iOS is a native adapter for any Turbolinks 5 enabled web app. Turbolinks is a Javascript library that makes following links in your web application faster. It's commonly used in Rails 5 applications.

Build high-fidelity hybrid apps with native navigation and a single shared web view.

Turbolinks for iOS provides the tooling to wrap your Turbolinks 5-enabled web app in a native iOS shell. It manages a single WKWebView instance across multiple view controllers, giving you native navigation UI with all the client-side performance benefits of Turbolinks.


12 questions
3 answers

Set custom user agent on rails testing

I am developing iOS app using turbolinks-ios and Rails variant. In my iOS app, I set custom user agent iPadApp and detect that on Rails application controller is using request.user_agent.try(:index, 'iPadApp') for setting variant to tablet (because…
2 answers

How to "build Turbolinks.framework" for ios?

I haven't done any work building mobile apps with Rails, but I followed the very informative RailsConf demo from Sam Stephenson on Turbolinks 5 as a tool for building cross platform Apps with rails, Turbolinks 5 Demo and it looks great. The only…
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1 answer

How to make an hybrid app with turbolinks-ios

I'm new to swift and I'm confused about how to use Turbolinks-ios. Following the TurbolinksDemo (, I can view my rails project and sign in with devise. I'm confused about the…
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3 answers

Conforming to protocol - adding protocol stubs again and again doesn't fix the error

So I have class FBViewController which should show a button log me in and log out (just to test FB login). I integrated this in newly created project and all worked. Then I reworked it into my app and it's not working. Not sure if it has something…
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0 answers

Turbolinks 5 iOS app link not pushing VisitableViewController onto stack

I've been playing around with Turbolinks 5 and I can't seem to get it to visit a new page correctly after clicking a link within my application. The app loads the new view as if it was replaced inside the webview and doesn't push a new view…
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1 answer

How to open a linked pdf with turbolinks-ios

I'm wondering how to open a linked pdf file with the turbolinks-ios framework in iOS. Currently, I'm experiencing the issue that when a turbolinks page links to a pdf or other file, then the link will open in safari rather than the embedded…
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1 answer

How to disable zooming for UIWebView in turbolinks-ios?

I'm experimenting with the turbolinks-ios adapter for turbolinks 5. In order to have some view, for example a welcome view right at the beginning, feel even more native, I'd like to deactivate some UIWebView features like zooming or selecting…
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1 answer

How to prevent a fixed to bottom HTML element from scrolling in WKWebView on iPhoneX

I'm building a hybrid app with Turbolinks iOS, most of the app is rendered in a WKWebView. But I have a problem with my layout. There is a navigation bar fixed to the bottom of the screen, it works fine in every phone except for iPhoneX. When a…
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Turbolinks - How to open native camera/gallery on form button click

I am developing an Android and iOS webapp using Turbolinks. I'm trying to implement taking a new picture or selecting one from the gallery using the native views/process. I have this line in my form
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1 answer

How do I Add a UIBarButtonItem to the navigationBar in a turbolinks-ios app

I have a turbolinks-ios app that I've inherited and need to add a native nav. At first I used the storyboard to embed the main application controller within a navigation controller, but turbolinks has it's own navigation bar so that creates two…
1 answer

How to set the background color in turbolinks-ios?

I'm experimenting with the turbolinks-ios adapter for turbolinks 5. Apparently, the background color of the VisitableView is white. But when the background color of the web application is not white, the turbolinks transition does not look so good:…
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1 answer

data-turbolinks: false url opening browser in turbolinks-ios

I have my Rails application setup using Turbolinks 5, and have the android application successfully built and shipped and it is working with my data-turbolinks="false". I am starting the iOS application and everything appears to be working except…
Ryan Condron
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