Questions tagged [tree-conflict]

A tree conflict occurs in a revision control system when conflicting changes are made to the repository's directory structure on different branches and then those branches are merged.

For example:

  • The same file is added on different branches.
  • A file is edited on one branch and deleted on another.
  • A file is renamed on one branch and edited on another.
78 questions
12 answers

Why am I getting tree conflicts in Subversion?

I had a feature branch of my trunk and was merging changes from my trunk into my branch periodically and everything was working fine. Today I went to merge the branch back down into the trunk and any of the files that were added to my trunk after…
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4 answers

SVN how to resolve new tree conflicts when file is added on two branches

When merging a couple of branches (using SVN 1.6.1) where a file has been added on both branches (and then worked on in those separate branches) I'm getting one of the new tree conflicts: C foo.txt > local obstruction, incoming add upon…
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2 answers

Resolving tree conflict

How to resolve tree conflict in current scenerio. C:\DevBranch C:\MyBranch I updated both branches. Edited MyBranch and then committed back. Now want to merge those changes into DevBranch. When I am doing the merge I am getting 'Tree Conflicts' The…
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6 answers

SVN - unable to merge branch back into trunk - numerous tree-conflicts

I have what I thought was a simple scenario - using TortoiseSVN: 1) I made a branch (B2) of an application (to work on implementing image sprites & JAWR). 2) Testing & development went on as normal on the trunk. 3) I re-based the branch a couple of…
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5 answers

SVN how to resolve "local add, incoming add upon update" on a *folder*?

Here is my scenario: Assume we have an SVN repo with the following content: myfolder myfolder\file.txt Now I create two checkouts of this repo, co1 and co2. In co1 we modify file.txt. In co2 we: svn delete myfolder svn commit Create a new folder…
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4 answers

svn merge functionality broken by tree conflicts

I don't know when the svn team decided to inflict tree conflicts on us but it has completely broken the merge functionality of svn. I have a branch and I want to merge the latest changes from the trunk into the branch. I've already done one such…
Dean Schulze
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5 answers

Can't resolve tree conflict with SVN

I recently encountered a very weird behavior of subversion. I just merged my local copy of a branch with a remote branch. Everything went smooth, but I've got 1 tree conflict (local delete, remote update). Okay, thought I, modified the working…
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3 answers

How to accept 'theirs-conflict' to resolve tree conflict: Local add, incoming add upon merge

I have come across the following basic Tree conflict: Local add, incoming add upon merge. I know we can use svn resolve --accept working file to resolve it, but SVN prevent me to use accept their-conflict to accept the incoming version. Can anyone…
Elie Xu
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6 answers

SVN X remains in tree-conflict

I am using VisualSVN (which uses Tortoise). I accidentally move a folder to a different location. When tries to move it back, SVN pukes with this error. It happened once before and I managed to do some random updates/commits, not knowing what I was…
Paul Knopf
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2 answers

Removing .xcuserstate and DS_Store files from git

In Xcode I noticed that .DS_Store and *.xcuserstate always change and don't need to be commited. So, I wrote a .gitignore file that contains this: .DS_Store *.xcuserstate among other entries. Then I used: git rm --cached *xcuserstate git rm…
Bryan Bryce
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1 answer

How to deal with tree conflict while merging using TortoiseSVN, in case of a deleted folder?

I have this scenario: A folder with the content is deleted from the local copy of our branch. The changes are committed in SVN Branch. (We still have this folder in Trunk) Now i want to merge everything from Branch to Trunk I go to the local copy…
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1 answer

SVN: How to resolve evil twins tree conflict by accepting incoming add (removing local add)

In SVN I have a tree conflict upon merging two branches. The tree conflict arises because I have added a the same file or the same directory in both branches. Much the same question is asked here: Other Stackoverflow Question on evil twins…
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2 answers

Why is "local delete, incoming delete upon update" of a directory a conflict?

This is more of a hypothetical question, but I've always wondered why this case is considered a conflict. If I've locally deleted a directory which has already been deleted from the repository, why wouldn't this just resolve as you'd expect? What…
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3 answers

TortoiseSVN Tree Conflict: can't choose remote file

Here's the scenario: User1, Branch1: adds "abc.def"; commits. User2, Branch2: adds "abc.def" (same file name, but more details in the file); commits. Now User1 wants to merge the updated version of the "abc.def" file. So (using TortoiseSVN…
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1 answer

SVN tree conflict when merging renamed folder

I'm using TortoiseSVN to merge into branch-B the latest changes from trunk, including a folder rename. Before that, I reintegrated branch-A into trunk. In that branch, a folder had been renamed and changes had been made to the files in it. Branch-B…
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