Questions tagged [transition]

DO NOT USE! THIS TAG IS AMBIGUOUS. Try to use a less ambiguous tag like [css-transitions], [android-animation] or [ios-animations] if possible.

4024 questions
5 answers

How big of a jump will it be to go from C# to Objective C

How hard will it be to transfer from my existing expertise in C# to building apps for the iPad/iPhone in Objective C?
Keith Adler
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4 answers

css transition opacity fade background

I am doing a transition where it fades into transparent white, when a user is hovering an image. My problem is that I need to change the color, that it fades to, to black. I have tried just simply adding background:black; to the class that contains…
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2 answers

How do I make an expand/contract transition between views on iOS?

I'm trying to make a transition animation in iOS where a view or view controller appears to expand to fill the whole screen, then contract back to its former position when done. I'm not sure what this type of transition is officially called, but…
Jesse Crossen
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1 answer

Real time line graph with nvd3.js

I am trying to create a real time graph using nvd3.js which would be updated periodically and with the impression that the data is processed in real time. For now I have been able to create a function which would update the graph periodically but I…
Christopher Chiche
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4 answers

Animation transition between activities using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP

In my android app, I'm making a method that pop all activities and bring up the first activity. I use this code: Intent intent = new Intent(this, MMConnection.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); this.startActivity(intent); As I…
Romain Piel
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2 answers

d3.js how to dynamically add nodes to a tree

I am using a d3.js tree, and would like to add nodes dynamically, rather than pre-loading the entire tree. How would i modify the following in order to dynamically add additional JSON nodes when a node is clicked? (see link below, and code…
Mike Mike
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3 answers

CSS3 Transition to highlight new elements created in JQuery

I want to use a CSS3 color transition to apply a highlight-fading color effect (yellow to transparent) to new elements appended to the markup using JQuery. CSS #content div { background-color:transparent; -moz-transition:background-color…
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1 answer

Is there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners?

Is there any good android animation tutorials to do in views or the transitions? A complete tutorial or guide may help alot.
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8 answers

overridePendingTransition does not work when FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT is used

I have two activities in the stack, in order to show them I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT. So far so good, the problem comes when I want to bring the activity with an animation using overridePendingTransition. Intent i = new…
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8 answers

How can I use UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl on a UIView that does NOT take up the whole screen?

In Apple's official Maps app for the iPhone, there is a small 'page curl' button in the lower-right corner. When you press it, the map itself peels back to reveal some options. I would like to duplicate this effect in my own app. I'm trying to use…
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3 answers

Add transition while changing img src with javascript

I have an img tag that I want to change the src when hover and it all works but i would like to add some transition so it doesn't look so rough but since it's an img src i cant target it with css. html
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5 answers

Clean way to programmatically use CSS transitions from JS?

As the title implies, is there a proper way to set some initial CSS properties (or class) and tell the browser to transition these to another value? For example (fiddle): var el = document.querySelector('div'), st =; st.opacity =…
Fabrício Matté
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4 answers

iOS7, backgroundImage for UISearchBar

I'm making the transition of the UI between iOS 6 and iOS 7. We have a UISearchBar related to a UISearchDisplayController, I have set the backgroundImage of the navigationBar and the searchBar to a 1x1 image dynamically created with a color.…
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2 answers

How to transition only rotate transformation?

I'm using a bunch of elements to compose a background image and they all absolutely position around, rotating freely. Problem is, I would like to transition only the rotation of those objects, not the top nor left properties. And apparently…
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7 answers

JavaScript - add transition between display:none and display:block

I am using JavaScript to toggle notification like below. How can I add transition between display: block and display: none; I don't want to add an external library like jQuery because I am only going to be using the toggle effect alone. var btn =…
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