Questions tagged [touch-id]

Touch ID is Apple's technology for fingerprint scanning introduced with the iPhone 5s. Starting with iOS 8, third-party developers are able to access Touch ID and determine whether or not a fingerprint scan was valid. Prior to iOS8, it had no public API and can therefore could not be used by third-party developers.

404 questions
14 answers

How to programmatically check support of 'Face Id' and 'Touch Id'

I've integrated LocalAuthentication for my app security purpose, which has been supporting 'Touch Id' based supporting. But now, apple has recently added 'Face Id' based authentication also. How can I check, which type of authentication is supported…
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1 answer

Save data in Keychain only accessible with Touch ID in Swift 3

I'm working on a peace of code that should do the following: Store some data in Keychain. Get the data only if a user authenticates with Touch ID or Pass Code. I watched the Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID presentation and understood the…
David Gatti
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2 answers

TouchID calls applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidBecomeActive

I am wondering if this is intended by Apple that these lifecycle methods are called upon using TouchID functionality. Is there any possibility to check if the touchID process is calling these methods (I want to avoid things like a BOOL in app…
Chris K.
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3 answers

Is there a way to use Android fingerprint API or iOS Touch ID in web browser?

For example, I have a web site with authentication. Is there any fingerprint API, that can be used from JavaScript, to login users? Mobile OSs like Android and iOS has such API. So at least mobile version of browsers, in theory, can provide such…
7 answers

Determine if an iOS device supports TouchID without setting passcode

I'm currently developing an iOS app that enables users to log in to the app using TouchID, but firstly they must set up a password inside the app first. Problem is, to show the setup password option to enable the TouchID login, I need to detect if…
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4 answers

Is there any way to use apple's Touch ID (fingerprint scanner) on iOS Simulator?

I am working on an app which would require Touch ID Authentication, so is there any way i can use Touch ID (fingerprint scanner) in the simulator ? Also, please do share some kind of example code for using LocalAuthentication framework.
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4 answers

touchIDLockout deprecated in iOS 11.0

When compiling my Application with Xcode 9 for IOS11 I get the following warnings: warning: 'touchIDLockout' was deprecated in iOS 11.0: use LAErrorBiometryLockout warning: 'touchIDNotEnrolled' was deprecated in iOS 11.0: use…
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3 answers

TouchID activateTouchWithResponse returns success without requesting fingerprint

I have the following implementation of LocalAuthentication as described in many places. context.evaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason: "Logging in with Touch ID", reply: { (success : Bool, error : NSError?…
Cristian Pena
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2 answers

Is it possible to use Touch-ID Authentication AND Keychain sharing in an iOS app?

I’ve been successfully able to implement TouchID with keychain as well as Keychain Sharing (syncing keychain items between multiple devices) separately. When I try to do them both, I get an error “-50“ which is invalid parameters. From the below…
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5 answers

iOS8 check if device has Touch ID

LAContext has method to check if device can evaluate touch ID and gives error message. Problem is that same error message "LAErrorPasscodeNotSet" is given by system in two cases: 1) If user has Touch ID, but turned it off in settings (iPhone 5s with…
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1 answer

How does the life-time of an LAContext instance in iOS 8 behave?

I am wondering how the lifetime of a LAContext instance from the LocalAuthentication framework looks like in iOS 8. In iOS 9 and later, there is the invalidate method to manually invalidate the current context. If I am not using that method, the…
Hans Knöchel
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2 answers

Determine if Touch ID-Protected Keychain Item Exists?

Is there a way to determine if an item (password, token, etc.) has been set in the iOS keychain using Touch ID access control without prompting the user for Touch ID? We have a need to determine if the credential has already been saved to the…
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2 answers

Using Touch ID on iOS to encrypt data

What I'm trying to do Basically what I'm trying to do is figure out a way to encrypt data using Touch ID. Sadly I've not found a way to create an encryptionKey with Touch ID, since the LAContext API only returns a aye/nay response. Why I'm trying…
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1 answer

Custom user fallback button in LAContext Not Support in ios8.3

I have customized the fallback button by setting localizedFallbackTitle to "Use Password". It worked. But after I updated my iPhone to iOS 8.3, the fallback button disappeared on the TouchID view. Is this the API updated or a bug of iOS 8.3? How to…
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4 answers

Touch ID causing app to become non-responsive

I Added ios-8's new touchID API to my app. It usually works as expected, BUT when entering app while my finger is already on home-button - API's success callback is called but pop-up still appears on screen. after pressing CANCEL UI becomes…
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