Questions tagged [tomcat8.5]

Version 8.5.x (June 2018 onwards) of the Apache Tomcat servlet container. Use only if your question is specifically related to features of this version.

Tomcat released on 2018-06-25:

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 8.5.32 of Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat 8.5.x is intended to replace 8.0.x and includes new features pulled forward from Tomcat 9.0.x.

Release Notes:

Tomcat 8.5 is designed to run on Java SE 7 and later.


The Apache Tomcat team announces that support for Apache Tomcat 8.0.x will end on 30 June 2018. 8.5.x is not affected by this announcement.

156 questions
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Tomcat connection pool ThrowableCallStack issue

Found following logs sometimes in Tomcat8.5. When we observe error stacktrace we didn't found any connection leak in the code but the log is captured for sometimes. I am unable to recognize whether this is the indication to connection leak or any…
Yella Goud
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javax.servlet.ServletException: Resource configuration class com.mypkg.MyClass is not a subclass of class

I'm getting this error when trying to load my jersey class with tomcat 8.5 25-Oct-2018 16:02:16.635 SEVERE [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-3] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke Allocate exception for servlet [RESTFulWebNMS servlet] …
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how change file if it is read only in embedded tomcat using intellij idea

I am trying to set a property in file but it is read-only file how to change this file using intellij idea I want to add following property tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow=|{} I want to add this because I…
Chetna Joshi
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2 answers

400 Error HTTP GET Request between Docker Containers with HTTPURLConnection

I got two Containers defined in a docker-compose file: tomcat_webserver_api: image: tomcat:8 volumes: - ./API/Docker/API.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/API.war ports: - "8080:8080" depends_on: - mysql_database …
Sven Guthe
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Tomcat 8.5 not starting after upgrading Ubuntu version

I have just upgraded my Ubuntu distro from 16.04 to 18.04. Now the Tomcat 8.5 which used to work just fine, does not start up properly. The error I get is 30-Apr-2018 19:24:25.195 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-1]…
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2 answers

Unable to connect to pgsql database with Java REST-API on local Tomcat server. Stack contains ExceptionInInitializerError and IllegalStateException

I am developing a REST-API and currently trying to fix an issue. The issue is that the REST-API is Unable to connect to pgsql database, when I go to my web page in chrome. To show this issue, I'll post a stripped down version of my stack with some…
1 answer

Tomcat 8.5.28 : Bad Set-Cookie header: Secure; HttpOnly No '=' found for token starting at position 75

We are migrating from Tomcat 6.x to Tomcat 8.5.28 . We are hitting the below issue from very first login itself. It seems Tomcat 8.5.28 version adds httpOnly attribute in Cookie. How to aviod that. Due to this attribute my Client side fails to…
0 answers

SHA256 Digest authentication using DatasourceRealm tomcat 8.5

I am trying to configure digest authentication using SHA256 hashing of the password and not able to authenticate even with the correct username I created the datasource and realm configuration with credentailhandler algortihm set to SHA-256 and used…
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Need help configuring client certificate checking using Shibboleth IDP3 on Tomcat 8.5

I have a requirement to support two factor authentication using client certificates on CAC and PIV cards. I am having a little trouble getting a clear understanding on how to configure certificate checking on our Shibboleth System. Our system…
0 answers

Tomcat 8.5.23 Failed to initialize component

I met a serious problem while I try to startup my tomcat 8.5.23. I have no idea why it happened. I edit all file by Notepad++ instead of Eclipse and start/shutdown tomcat by "startup.bat" and "shutdown.bat". Please help me to figure out the reasons…
0 answers

Configuring custom Realms for Tomcat 8.5, setting a custom mbean-descriptor

I have been tasked with Migrating our Tomcat Servers from 6.0 to 8.5. As you can imagine, there are going to be many inconsistencies with setting up the configuration and I have very limited knowledge of setting up a web server. What I need to…
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Tomcat mariadb connection configuration

I am using CentOS as Operating System, Mariadb as Database Server, and apache tomcat 8.5.xx as a web Server. the Code of the Resource in Server.xml is as the following:
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Tomcat 8.5 not showing up in Eclipse

I installed apache tomcat 8.5 but it didn't show up while creating dynamic web project in Eclipse Indigo. It showed up versions until 7.0 only. Finally, I had to install tomcat 7 to proceed. What could be the issue?
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Tomcat 8.5 takes too long to recognize new content

I have the following problem, I write an Excel file in C:\Tomcat85\webapps\MyWebApp\Excel\myExcel.xls. As soon as my Java application finishes writing the file, it performs a download for the user to work with it. This gives a nasty 404 error. If I…
Federico Alvarez
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JNDI Context lookup not working though it's existing

Using spring-boot I want to access a resource that is used to be in the web.xml but due to the fact I'm using spring-boot I tried to add it this way: @Bean public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory() { return…
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