Questions tagged [tomcat8.5]

Version 8.5.x (June 2018 onwards) of the Apache Tomcat servlet container. Use only if your question is specifically related to features of this version.

Tomcat released on 2018-06-25:

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 8.5.32 of Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat 8.5.x is intended to replace 8.0.x and includes new features pulled forward from Tomcat 9.0.x.

Release Notes:

Tomcat 8.5 is designed to run on Java SE 7 and later.


The Apache Tomcat team announces that support for Apache Tomcat 8.0.x will end on 30 June 2018. 8.5.x is not affected by this announcement.

156 questions
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How do you use global JNDI URL resources in Tomcat 8?

I am trying to set up a server running Tomcat 8 to have JNDI URL resources available to a large number of apps running on that server. The apps are plain jsp/servlet with Maven (No Spring). I have 2 examples of global resources I am trying to use,…
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Misssing ServerSocketFactory in tomcat 8.5

As per the below link, the following features are removed from tomcat 8.5 a) Class no longer exists b) Class…
George Thomas
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Apache Tomcat 8.5 starting returning 404

so I've been building an API using Jersey and Apache Tomcat 8.5, the API was running fine and working and randomly I can only get 404 even when accessing localhost:8080. I'm new to this tech so was wondering if anyone can help. Here is my web.xml in…
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Tomcat Websockets Across Multiple Servers

Current Solution I have a Java server (Tomcat) setup issue that I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance on. Currently my web application is a single-server that has a Java backend running on Tomcat 8.5. To handle Websocket connections, I keep…
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Setting up tomcat 8.5 APR https connection

I've been trying to setup my tomcat for HTTPS connectivity using APR library and I've already downloaded the tcnative-1.dll from here and placed that inside my tomcat lib directory (Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\bin) and…
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What config do I have to change in my Eclipse Web project, so that Tomcat redirect URLs without any path to the project URL

In Eclipse Oxygen I have set up a Web project (facets Dynamic Web Module, Java & JavaScript) with the name MyProject. When I start up Eclipse's Tomcat (Version 8.5) I can view the site under the project URL http://localhost:8080/MyProject/. So far…
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Tomcat AccessControlException : Access Denied for deployed webapp

I am a newbie to tomcat and am trying to deploy a webapp (/test) in Tomcat server , but receiving the below error in localhost logs. SEVERE [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup Servlet [AxisServlet] in web…
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Spring Websocket not able to connect with Tomcat 8.5 and F5

We have a spring-websocket application that works fine when we use Tomcat 8.0. However, when we upgraded our Tomcat to 8.5 it stopped working. When looking at the networks trace from the F5 it appears the F5 receive the handshake response (101)…
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Updating Tomcat WAR file on Windows

I have inherited a Maven/Tomcat(8.5) web application that is locally hosted on different machines. I am trying to get the application to update from a war file that is either stored locally (on a USB drive) or downloaded from AWS on Windows more…
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access denied rights for start tomcat-service on windows server

I am using tomcat on windows server und faced a problem while updating the tomcat version. the problem ist that the assgined user don't have the rights to start tomcat. Here my attempts with tomcat versions: v8.5.43/ -> tomcat startet…
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How to configure address of WSDL URL in Apache Axis2?

I am using Axis2 and Tomcat8.5. My WSDL URL is : http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Myapp. But i want it to configure like this: http://localhost:8080/phase/axis2/services/Myapp.
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how can i deploy AngularJS on Tomcat 8.5

How should i deploy my Angularjs code on tomcat 8.5 I have tried copying my project folder to webapps folder in tomcat My project structure webapps myprojectname controllers css views route.js index.html …
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Why am I getting org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JRuntimeException: Rule M2.4 exception?

I'm copying data into excel sheet with Apache Poi. I want to copy from D column to G column as same sheet. But when I'm trying to copy from D column to G column I'm getting exception - INFO [http-nio-9080-exec-8]…
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.EncodingDetector

I have installed tomcat 8.5.37 on Centos server and opening server at 8081 port I am getting error as `Message java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.EncodingDetector Description The server…
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Tomcat8 constantly displays the https-jsse-nio-443-exec log

I have a problem with the data mapping in logs of Tomcat. There are the same information in the logs and it’s unusable. Could you please check and advise me how set and get correct data in the logs? 28-Nov-2018 23:19:11.535 SEVERE…
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