Questions tagged [timepicker]

A view for selecting the time of day, in either 24 hour or AM/PM mode.

The hour, each minute digit, and AM/PM (if applicable) can be conrolled by vertical spinners. The hour can be entered by keyboard input. Entering in two digit hours can be accomplished by hitting two digits within a timeout of about a second (e.g. '1' then '2' to select 12). The minutes can be entered by entering single digits. Under AM/PM mode, the user can hit 'a', 'A", 'p' or 'P' to pick. For a dialog using this view, see .

1439 questions
7 answers

Angular-Material DateTime Picker Component?

I imported a date picker in a project and was wondering if there was any official recent component from angular and material to include time in the calendar as well. I've seen plenty of time pickers in material documentation and researched a lot of…
22 answers

TimePickerDialog and AM or PM

I have a TimePickerDialog with is24Hour set to false since I want to present the end-user with the more familiar 12 hour format. When the hour, minute and AM PM indicator are set and the time is returned how can I identify whether the end-user has…
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Date and time picker dialog

I want to create a dialog which can select the time and the date at the same time. I know that there is not a default widget that can do that on Android. I also know that there are open source projects on how do similar staff. The problem in this…
haythem souissi
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5 answers

Setting time and date to date picker and time picker in android

I am using a date picker and time picker in my application. I want to set the date and time when the page loads. Is this possible? How so?
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6 answers

Responsive bootstrap 3 timepicker?

Does anyone know of a good responsive bootstrap 3 timepicker? Ive spent a week going through timepicker after timepicker and there was always a problem for example: would of been perfect but its for…
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How to change the default color of DatePicker and TimePicker dialog in Android?

Is there any way to change the default color of DatePicker and TimePicker dialog? This is the code I tried
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Convert date and time to milliseconds in Android

I have Date and Time from DatePicker and TimePicker. Now i want to change the selected date and time into milliseconds. How can I do this??? For Example I have Date selected 2-5-2012 and Time is 20:43 Now I have to convert this Date Time into…
Ahmad Abbasi
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9 answers

TimePicker - how to get AM or PM?

I want to set an alarm based on a user's selection in TimePicker. TimePicker is set to AM/PM mode. In order to know if a user wants his alarm to set to 10 AM or 10 PM, how should I get the AM/PM value? The listener TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener…
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OnTimeSet called also when dismissing TimePickerDialog

Today I was trying to use the TimePickerDialog but I noticed a couple of flaws. OnTimeSet is called also when the dialog is dismissed (by clicking outside, for example) OnTimeSet is called twice when the user taps the "Done" button The API I'm…
Alessandro Roaro
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9 answers

Android TimePickerDialog set max time

I'm looking for a way to set the maximun and minimun time pickable on an Android TimePickerDialog, and to change the default minute interval from 1 min to 5 min, I thought that was an easy one, but I can't find a way !
Thomas Besnehard
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8 answers

time picker showing time like 4:7 instead of 04:07

I have a time picker function which sets time in an EditText . But the format it shows is not suitable. for example for 04:07pm is shown as 4:7. whenever the digit in time is less than 10 it removes the 0 automatically. please help me out. My…
Tushar Narang
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4 answers

What is currently the best, free time picker for WPF?

I'm looking for a simple time picker control for WPF. I've found this one: but it has some issues e.g. you can't type in "00" into it, the second zero won't appear. Silverlight seems to…
Edward Tanguay
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3 answers

Setting Android TimePicker In XML

Is it possible to set TimePicker hours mode to 24-hours-mode in XML file? Or is it posible in Java only? I want to make a layout that has 24-hours picker but I can't find such attribute.
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2 answers

Android - New calendar style DatePicker and TimePicker

Is it possible to use the new DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog style used in the latest version of android? They can be seen here : New style Date and time pickers I tried looking for the latest sources of the AOSP Project, but event with that…
Guillaume Jobin
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4 answers

Is it possible to remove AM/PM button from TimePicker?

I want to show 24 hours clock instead 12 hours using TimePicker,and I dont need the AM/PM buton, Simply want to show 24 hours clock. Is this possible? I used setIs24HourView(true) but it is is not working. Suggest me How can I show 24 hours clock?
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