Questions tagged [thrift]

Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-platform, cross-language services development available from Apache.

Thrift combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, C, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, Smalltalk, Delphi, Graphviz, Go and OCaml.

Thrift's primary goal is to enable efficient and reliable communication across platforms and programming languages by abstracting the portions of each language that tend to require the most customization into a common library that is implemented in each language.

Originally developed at Facebook, Thrift was open sourced in April 2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008. Thrift graduated from the Incubator in October, 2010.

1849 questions
5 answers

Hbase client ConnectionLoss for /hbase error

I'm going completely crazy: Installed Hadoop/Hbase, all is running; /opt/jdk1.6.0_24/bin/jps 23261 ThriftServer 22582 QuorumPeerMain 21969 NameNode 23500 Jps 23021 HRegionServer 22211 TaskTracker 22891 HMaster 22117 SecondaryNameNode 21779…
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2 answers

TNonblockingServer, TThreadedServer and TThreadPoolServer, which one fits best for my case?

Our analytic server is written in c++. It basically queries underlying storage engine and returns a fairly big structured data via thrift. A typical requests will take about 0.05 to 0.6 seconds to finish depends on the request size. I noticed that…
Alex Dong
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4 answers

Thrift Ruby gem

I cannot, for the life of me, successfully run "gem install thrift", the thing fails when building the gem's native extensions; this is the output: (acib708) ~ -> gem install thrift Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: …
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What is the repository for scrooge-sbt-plugin?

What is the repository for the current version of scrooge-sbt-plugin? Or are the setup instructions outdated? According to the documentation, I added this to a Play Framework project: In project/plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("com.twitter" %%…
Fernando Correia
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3 answers

Enable Thrift in Cassandra Docker

I'm trying to start up a docker image that runs cassandra. I need to use thrift to communicate with cassandra, but it looks like that's disabled by default. Checking out the cassandra logs shows: INFO 21:10:35 Not starting RPC server as requested.…
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1 answer

Using Thrift in iOS

Is there good documentation for using thrift in iOS? I am having trouble getting started and figuring out how to apply thrift to iOS.
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2 answers

Apache thrift: client timeout issues

I have some Apache Thrift (v.0.6.1) test application with perl-server and php-client. The behaviour I cannot explain: If we call server-method with invalid argument we see the error in server-output, but php-client stays waiting the response…
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4 answers

python thrift error ```TSocket read 0 bytes```

My python version:2.7.8 thrift version:0.9.2 python-thrift version:0.9.2 OS: centOS 6.8 My test.thrift file: const string HELLO_IN_KOREAN = "an-nyoung-ha-se-yo" const string HELLO_IN_FRENCH = "bonjour!" const string HELLO_IN_JAPANESE =…
Karl Doenitz
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2 answers

HBase: Thrift vs Rest performance

I know there are a couple of post on StackOverflow about REST and Thrift for HBase, but I would like to focus a bit on the question of performance. I have been playing with the following libraries in Node.js to connect to an HBase…
Marc Trudel
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2 answers

Is an unbound SecurityManager really an invalid application configuration in Shiro?

I'm adding Apache Shiro to my application and I'm wondering if the following error message is truly accurate: org.apache.shiro.UnavailableSecurityManagerException: No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the…
Ryan J
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1 answer

Best way to send binary data with Thrift

I have a structure in c++ which stores bytes like this: struct RemoteData { /// some other fields here unsigned char* buf; int bufLen; }; And I need to send this data to remote service, written in C++, via thrift. I found three…
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1 answer

Is it possible to use Apache Thrift on a regular web server?

I already have a web server that I pay for, and I want to expose some services on it using Thrift and PHP. My question is: can I run a Thrift server using normal PHP that's hosted on the default port (the same way web pages are hosted) instead of…
Will Warren
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2 answers

Asynchronous request with Thrift in Java

I'm looking for an example of how to make an asynchronous request in Java using Thrift. Looking at the generated code this seems to be possible, but I can't find a single example of how. Here is an example of generated code that suggest the…
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3 answers

RPC frameworks available?

I am looking to use a RPC framework for internal use. The framework has to be cross language. I am exploring Apache Thrift right now. Google protocol Buffers does not provide RPC capabilities exactly. What are the choices I have got apart from…
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1 answer

Thrift java client cannot handle union properly

Dead simple thrift union example. Env: latest thrift, cpp as server, java as client mytest.thrift: namespace java com.wilbeibi.thrift union Value { 1: i16 i16_v, 2: string str_v, } struct Box { 1: Value value; } service MyTest { Box…
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