Questions tagged [threshold]

The starting point for a new state.

645 questions
1 answer

How to get correct threshold level for CFAR (Constant False alarm algorithm)?

I have taken fourier transform for a sinusoidal signal (with noise added). I have to pass the values to the CFAR algorithm (a function) and get back the threshold values in my main matlab file. After getting the values I plot the same and I get a…
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cumulative distribution function, threshold, R

I have daily values of runoff over a period of one month and one specific threshold. How can I find out on how many days the probability is more than 50% that the runoff exceeds that threshold? Am I right to use the CDF here? But how can I integrate…
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raster buffering with values within a given condition in R

I have a raster file containing temperature values and a list of coordinate points as centers of my desired buffers, colored in red like in the figure: How can I extract buffers around the centroids containing all the neighbor cells matching the…
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Threshold function does not work OpenCV C++

I just want to do convert a gray image to a binary image. But threshold function gives me a totaly black image as a binary image. I want to get dark gray object. What is wrong here? Code: Mat theFrame = imread("C:\\asdsss.png"); // opencv Mat…
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R values under threshold

I have a daily time series of wind speeds and I would like R to return the average and maximum length of consecutive days beneath a certain threshold. Example (Threshold = 2 m/s): df > date wind_speed 1970-01-01 1 1970-01-02 …
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Retaining and identifying elements in an array which satisfy a threshold in MATLAB

I have a matrix (about 342 by 342) denoted by C_{ij} and I want to identify all indices i,j which satisfy the condition C_{ij} > rho where rho is some fixed value. I am using MATLAB For example, if I have the matrix C_{ij} as: C = 1 0.7 0.8 …
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ANDROID autoCompleteView suggestions

I want to show suggestions not only as starting character but also a containing character... means 's' suggestions should be like tags,pas,also, and so on.
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Matlab - Dynamic Thresholding

I am trying to make a dynamic thresholding, but It is appearing some errors. I am trying to adapt from this code: function [Output ] = dinamicthresh() [filename,pathname] =…
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Need to count objects on a white background in Python, shadows cause trouble

This question is kind of a follow-up to my 2 previous auestions: Python Image tutorial works, other images behaves differently (showing images with Pylab) and Detect objects on a white background in Python . What I am trying to achieve is being able…
E. V. d. B.
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2 answers

plotting from histogram threshold value

% OTSU THRESHOLDING % X=imread('cameraman.tif') % a=ones(256,1)*[1:256]; % c2=double(X).*(a/2+50)+(1-double(X)).*a/2; % c3=uint8(255*mat2gray(c2)); % IDX = otsu(c3,2); %---------------------------------------------------------- % % function…
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How to threshold intensity values for an image in R?

I have written a function in R which reads a text file and generates a color map using the coordinate information and intensity value for each co-ordiante within that file. Now, I want to apply a specific threshold value for the intensities such…
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NoneType error .convert appear

i would like to do some program by capture image from webcam, then cropped it. after crop, i do some image processing and from the process it will run my robots. Here the full program: import cv2 from cv2 import * import numpy as np import…
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Various Thresholding Methods Implementation in Python Opecv2

I want to compare the performance of various thresholding methods. Literally, I found various thresholding methods are Histogram shape based methods (Ex:- Otsu Method) Clustering based methods Entropy based methods Attribute similarity methods…
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Threshoding image between certain range

How to Threshold image between certain range? i have done this but it doesn't work. for (int i=0;i(j,i)); if (k>6 && k<10) …
2 answers

T-SQL Calculate threshold from a recordset

I have the following result set : ContentSendId ContentId NewsletterId Position IsConditionMatch SendDate NumberOfSends IsSendValid ------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------------…
Murtaza Mandvi
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