Questions tagged [threshold]

The starting point for a new state.

645 questions
2 answers

How to calculate the total time duration of concentration crossing a threshold multiple times?

Using R, I am trying to calculate the total time duration for each individual where this time duration is the time spent above certain threshold. For example, in the plot below I have the concentration data for 3 subjects (ID), and I would like to…
Malek Ik
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Load custom image from file system in scikit-image

I am new to Python and I am trying to do the tutorial, shown on the official page. My goal is, to analyze a picture I've created, using the Local Otsu Threshold method. The code with an example picture works fine but I want to read a custom image,…
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1 answer

vertical line in histogram with pyplot

i've computed an Otsu's thresholding for a kinect depth image and now i want point out the optimal thresholding value on the histogram, using for example axvline with pyplot in opencv2. I'm a beginner with python and programming too, this is the…
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How do I define color groups based on numerical threshold values for ggplot2 scatterplot

I have a data set that contains 2 variables x = event number & y = assay amplitude. I am trying to create a scatterplot in ggplot2 where all of the points that are > 3000 are colored in one color and all of the points < 3000 are in a different…
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3 answers

Android Real Time Black-White Threshold Image

I have a code that turns a bitmap that has the grey colors into a bitmap of black and white colors, using this code: // scan through all pixels for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { …
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4 answers

Two different thresholds in HighCharts 3.0

With HighCharts 3.0, it is now possible to indicate to colors above and below one threshold. Like this example : Following code : $(function () { …
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Sharepoint: The view cannot be displayed because the number of lookup and workflow columns it contains exceeds the threshold (8)

I have following problem with my Sharepoint website. (The view cannot be displayed because the number of lookup and workflow columns it contains exceeds the threshold (8) enforced by the administrator) but any solution I have found online points me…
Eugene Rowe
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1 answer

How to solve ODEs with an internal threshold?

I have the following function containing some odes: myfunction <- function(t, state, parameters) { with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{ if (X>20) { # this is an internal threshold! Y <- 35000 dY <- 0 …
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What should be the ideal thresholding technique for enhancing parts of the image?

What thresholding techique should i apply for the image in order to highlight the bright regions inside the image as well as the outer boundary.. The im2bw function does not give a good result Help!! Edit: Most of my images have the following…
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0 answers

How to make code coverage threshold on gitlab or in YAML

I've configured CI on gitlab but now I need to configure code coverage threshold. How can I do this? Is is possible to configure it using gitlab or I need to write python script for it? I've checked yaml file attributes and I haven't found it. Could…
3 answers

binary_accuracy in keras Metrices , what's the threshold value to predicted one sample as positive and negative cases

What's the threshold value of binary_accuracy in keras Metrices is used to predicted one sample as positive and negative cases? is that threshold value 0.5? how to adjust it? I want to set the threshold value 0.80, if the predicted value is 0.79,…
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2 answers

Set every pixel of a Mat to a certain value, if it´s lower than a value?

Im trying to do the following in OpenCV. How can I set every pixel of a Mat to a certain value, if it´s lower than a value? So I want to do something like the threshold, but not quite, as I don't want to touch pixels above the given threshold. For…
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1 answer

Evaluating a statistical model in R

I have a very big data set (ds). One of its columns is Popularity, of type factor ('High' / ' Low'). I split the data to 70% and 30% in order to create a training set (ds_tr) and a test set (ds_te). I have created the following model using a…
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3 answers

Finding first samples greater than a threshold value efficiently in Python (and MATLAB comparison)

Instead of finding all the samples / data points within a list or an array which are greater than a particular threshold, I would like to find only the first samples where a signal becomes greater than a threshold. The signal might cross the…
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3 answers

Python module Mahotas thresholding issue

I'm using this tutorial However when I pass a png image: T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(dna) I get an error: TypeError: mahotas.otsu: This function only accepts integer types (passed array of type…
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