Questions tagged [testem]

testem is a test runner for Javascript unit testing.

Testem is a test runner, that support many test libraries.


Here a summary of the main feature :

  • Test-framework agnostic. Support for
  • Run tests in all major browsers as well as Node and PhantomJS
  • Two distinct use-cases:
    • Test-Driven-Development( TDD ) — designed to streamline the TDD workflow
    • Continuous Integration( CI ) — designed to work well with popular CI servers like Jenkins or Teamcity
  • Cross-platform support
    • OS X
    • Windows
    • Linux
  • Preprocessor support

Official site :

44 questions
2 answers

Ember CLI Code Coverage Reports

I am using Ember CLI and I am trying to integrate code coverage reports with the built in Qunit tests that are run with testem. I tried to use Istanbul, but I couldn't get it to find the files to instrument because it seems to be looking in the tmp…
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1 answer

launch testem chrome browser with specific extension(s)

I am trying to have Testem launching my tests into Chrome browser with specific extension(s) loaded, but by default it's a blank Chrome profile which is started, and which doesn't persist extensions from one run to another. My goal is for example…
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Karma custom test page

Karma has a built-in context.html file that loads up the test page. But it sucks. Can I specify a custom test page? The reason I am asking is because I want to see the mocha pretty interface on the browser. Is there a way to insert that with…
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How can I get source maps to work when running tests using ember-qunit for an ember app built on ember-cli

I have an Ember app built using ember-cli and I'm writing my tests using the ember-qunit testing adapter and running them in the browser using testem as instructed in the ember-cli documentation. Although debugging in Google Chrome works fine when…
Kevin Bullaughey
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1 answer

not ok PhantomJS exited unexpectedly

$ testem ci not ok 1 PhantomJS - Browser "phantomjs /home/ubuntu/.nvm/v0.10.12/lib/node_modules/testem/assets/phantom.js http://localhost:7357/6092" exited unexpectedly. 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 0 # fail 1 $ phantomjs --version 2014-07-28T00:24:22…
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ember-cli test not working with phantomjs in docker

When running ember test --host --test-port 4450, I'm getting the following error. Error: Browser failed to connect within 30s. testem.js not loaded? Since I'm using a docker container I'm assuming I need to update the host and port to the…
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1 answer

Trying to spy (Jasmine) on Array.prototype methods causes stack overflow

This is pretty odd. Using the testem runner with jasmine2 and the following spec executes (though it correctly flags that there are no expectations): describe('Spying on array.prototype methods', function(){ it('should work this way', function(){ …
Gabriel L.
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Log to terminal when QUnit test suite completes?

When my test suite completes, I need to output some stats, i. e. meta info about tests collected during test execution. I'm trying this: QUnit.done(() => console.log("some meta info here")) This works when I run tests in the browser. But when I run…
Andrey Mikhaylov - lolmaus
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1 answer

Putting ember-cli tests in pods

I want to try to place tests in pods, so instead of tests unit routes resource-test.js app pods resource route.js I want to have app pods resource route.js route-test.js This seems to be taking pods to…
1 answer

Exclude files while using Ember-CLI testem

I am trying to run my tests using Ember-CLI - Testem. Ember-CLI uses tests/index.html and not the usual testem.json config for testing. Is there any way I can exclude certain files from being built into app.js? Usecase : I have some js files where…
Vishesh Joshi
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1 answer

Ember-cli acceptance test times out on await click(); qunit error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: pushFailure()

I'm trying to create an acceptance test for the login page of a webapp. Everything is almost working, except the await click(element) promise never resolves: import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { visit, currentURL, fillIn, click, waitFor,…
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How to run jasmine-node tests in the browser (ex. using testem)?

How do I run jasmine-node( tests in the browser using testem( They both run on nodeJS but I can't figure out how to combine them. I was wondering if there were any libraries…
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0 answers

node tty ReadStream _handle is null

I am trying to write an Electron launcher for the test runner testem. Testem prints to the terminal the test results from each of it's launchers (forked processes where tests get executed, traditionally browsers but in this case Electron). Testem…
1 answer

Single test fails in PhantomJS but works in Chrome and Firefox

I have a single acceptance test in Ember.js 1.10, Ember CLI 0.1.12 which fails on PhantomJS but runs fine in both Chrome and Firefox. I've tried to debug this for 2 days but I'm running out of ideas. Name of the test is user can view logged-only…
Daniel Kmak
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1 answer

tests fail or hang randomly on travis with PhantomJS

I run my tests with testem and PhantomJS, they all pass on my local machine, but when i run them on travis, they fail randomly, or hang, It's not like some specific tests fail, some pass, randomsome fail, I have no idea what's going on. My project…
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