Questions tagged [tesseract.js]

Tesseract.js is a pure JavaScript port of the Tesseract OCR engine.

69 questions
4 answers

How to use Tesseract.js in a React app

I am working on an app using React. I want to be able to load a pic and then have Tesseract.js convert it to text. I am using react-dropzone to load the image file and I can add the image to page with an img tag. But when I try to run the ocr using…
Brian Tatum
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1 answer

How to improve tesseract.js accuracy?

Im using this piece of code from the website but its not accurate enough const worker1 = createWorker(); const worker2 = createWorker(); await worker1.load(); await worker2.load(); await worker1.loadLanguage("eng"); await…
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How to suppress console output in Tesseract.js?

Tesseract.js seems to print to the console with every call to .recognize(), even with no option parameters attached. It seems possible to quiet the output with the Tesseract CLI by using the "quiet" flag, but I can't find anything like that for…
2 answers

Tesseract couldn't load any languages (node tesseract.js)

I ran npm install tesseract.js and now I try to run this code: const Tesseract = require('tesseract.js'); const filename = 'Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at 16.51.06.png'; Tesseract.recognize(filename) .progress(p => { console.log('progress',…
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How can I fine tune tesseract on custom dataset?

I know this question may not be a new one, but training/fine-tuning tesseract is one of the hardest part, I could never find any articles which can explain it properly. All the tutorials or docs no one explained it completely, going through them…
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how to use tessdata_best for tesseract (pytesseract). What are the arguments and procedure?

TL;DR: How do I install tessdata_best to use withpytesseract inside conda in Ubuntu 18? I have been using pytesseract inside conda environment for quite some but there is a need to improve the accuracy and I found out that tessdata_best gives you…
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running tesseract js on an array of images

i have a series of images , when trying to use tesseract on this array to read their text , i face this error: Error opening data file ./eng.traineddata Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessdata"…
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How to pass in Tesseract options for page segmentation?

I have been trying to figure out how to pass in tesseract options for page segmentation. I tried tessedit_pageseg_mode: '1', But when I use it, the process stops at recognizing text. If I set it as number 1, then it finishes, but the mode is still…
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Cordova with tesseract

Can anyone please provide a link or sample to make a mobile app using the cordova and tesseract. I can't use the phonegap or ionic, its a client requirement for last two days m trying to make it, but nothing worked
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Tesseract.js produces nonsense on mobile devices

See this very simple example (can be tested at The input takes in an image, and pressing "Start" will start the OCR, and once done, show the result.
0 answers

Could I use tesseract.js to recognize text in a discord channel in a browser?

I'm trying to process messages/text from a discord channel on a server I'm a part of. The owners don't allow discord bots (for valid reasons, it's a subscription service). I'd still like to be able to parse the messages and respond to them with…
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How can I package an electron app with OCR features?

I built an electron app and ran into a situation where I need to add some OCR features. I figured out that people are mostly using tesseract.js but it's much slower than the native tesseract-ocr (factor or 10-20). That's why tesseract.js is no…
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How to OCR scanned voting protocols

As part of a hobby project I'm trying to digitalise all the voting records of the Swedish parliament to see if I can extract any interesting statistics (yes a strange hobby I know). From 1983 to 2001 the voting records look something like in the…
1 answer

ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT when sending progressbar update (node.js/express)

I'm trying to make a progress bar to monitor a Tesseract.recognize() call but when I try sending an update to change the progress bar I get this error: [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client This is what's…
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How to coding to improve Tesseract.js accuracy and more support correct OCR with label same as Google Cloud Vision and support 2 languages together?

How to coding to improve Tesseract.js accuracy and more support correct OCR with real label same as Google Cloud Vision API and support 2 languages together? (Image link to have more support correct OCR with real label same as Google Cloud Vision…
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