Questions tagged [teradata-sql-assistant]

Teradata SQL Assistant is a Windows client software tool primarily intended to run queries against a Teradata SQL Engine (Relational DBMS). It can also be used with ODBC drivers or .NET data providers from other database vendors. Note: Teradata SQL Assistant is being deprecated by Teradata in favor of multi-platform Eclipse / Java / JDBC based Teradata Studio / Teradata Studio. Express.

360 questions
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No more spool space in Teradata while trying Update

I'm trying to update a table with to many rows 388.000. This is the query: update DL_RG_ANALYTICS.SH_historico from ( SELECT CAST((MAX_DIA - DIA_PAGO) AS INTEGER) AS DIAS_AL_CIERRE_1 FROM (SELECT * FROM DL_RG_ANALYTICS.SH_historico A …
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How to generate this teradata table?

I would like to create a Teradata table with a table structure that looks like below. 12-29-2008 will be start date. Basically I'd like to assign this as the start date with week number corresponding to this as 209. Everything else afterwards should…
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How to calculate differences of two columns with timestamp format?

I need to create a column differences of two columns with timestamp format. I have col1 and col2, need to generate column "diff(hous)", as shown in picture highlighted part. Thanks.
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Teradata and sqlachemy connection

I wish to use sqlachemy with teradata dialect to push some csv into a table. So far I wrote this : import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine user = '******' pasw = '******' host = 'FTGPRDTD' DATABASE = 'DB_FTG_SRS_DATALAB' #…
1 answer

I have to find out the domain from a given list of URLs.But the URLs don't follow a format.What is the best method to do this?

Some examples are : amazon from tophatter from com.tophatter.tophatter.payments//:success?paymentId google from
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How to convert the values in string text into a list for table joins - Teradata SQL

Hi I have a question about table joins in Teradata SQL. So I have a transaction table (T1) and another country mapping table (M1) to join together. In the transaction table (T1), there are also including (for tables joins): (i). SalesOrg Code; …
Xavier Sun
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SQL teradata search for a string in a column and create a new column

I have data like below. I want to search for some text in column2 and column3 and create new columns if those texts are found. I want to search for two words as below america - simple string search ACH - regex search as ACH is an abbreviation…
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How the where clause will work for the date field in the teradata

I would like to apply a where clause on the date field in the teredata, but it shows empty records. Below is the query used to get the data. select * from table name where date = '2019-05-01' Kindly suggest the correct format.
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extract only 0-9 numbers from string

Need to extract all numeric characters i.e. (0-9) from a varchar column. suppose we have data like abc 123 456k, then the output should be '123456', i.e the non numeric characters including spaces to be filtered out. I am on Teradata version…
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how do I create a delta query in Teradata SQL

I am using Teradata and my query is SELECT deptno, name, salary FROM personnel.employee; Above table automatically gets updated everyday e.g. new rows added/deleted, existing values gets updated. There are no date/time field. Is there a way I can…
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How to fix no more spool space in teradata?

My error is no more spool space when I create a table with the qualify number_rows, the goal is to get the first 100 samples by key, each key is composed by the following fields: (top_typ_vision, instid, don_gener3, don_gener4,rg_no,…
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How to connect to Teradata database and execute a Teradata SQL query from Command line

I am curious to run a SQL-query via a .Bat script to see the "current usage" of a database. I currently run the query below via an ODBC connection in Teradata SQL Assistant. It gives me what I think is the current usage. But I would like to run from…
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REPLACE function for replacing part of string in specific column

I have written the following code: SELECT * FROM BMD_MI_OPS.DBH_TELEFONIE WHERE cast(DATUM_TIJD as date) BETWEEN 1180212 AND 1180217; UPDATE BMD_MI_OPS.DBH_TELEFONIE SET QUEUE_NAAM = REPLACE(QUEUE_NAAM, '_DVB', ''); This should take all columns…
1 answer

TPT script load an other file when running

I have an issue with my script when i use it outside of TPT Wizard. So basically it load an other file than the file i want to load. Here is the error and the code. I want to load the .txt file and not the one the windows prompt command loads. It's…
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Cannot create index on LOB columns. [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database]

Trying to create a table in teradata using Sqlalchemy. This is the command - df_depts.to_sql('AT_tryout',engine,index= False, if_exists ='replace',dtype={"similarity": BIGINT ,"inputs": CLOB ,"recommendations": CLOB}) Any idea of why I am getting…
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