Questions tagged [teradata-sql-assistant]

Teradata SQL Assistant is a Windows client software tool primarily intended to run queries against a Teradata SQL Engine (Relational DBMS). It can also be used with ODBC drivers or .NET data providers from other database vendors. Note: Teradata SQL Assistant is being deprecated by Teradata in favor of multi-platform Eclipse / Java / JDBC based Teradata Studio / Teradata Studio. Express.

360 questions
1 answer

Identify Temporal Table in Teradata Database

Is there a SQL query which can fetch the list of all Temporal Table from Teradata Database? Is there any special Column for Temporal Tables which identifies them of which type of Temporal Table it is?
1 answer

Is there a way to replace accents with Teradata SQL?

I have a varchar column and i want to replace all diacritics with normal letters For example: In: São Paulo Out: Sao Paulo In: eéíãç Out: eeiac
0 answers

Teradata stored procedure result output

How I can print var2? REPLACE PROCEDURE Name(out var2, in var1) ---some code goes here BEGIN TRANSACTION; SET var2= var1+ 5; end; REPLACE PROCEDURE Name(out var2, 5)
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2 answers

Determine percentage by selecting rows that contains a specific word

I have the following data: Year score count 2012 20 grade 2000 2005 20 grade 32 2005 40 grade 428 2006 60 grade 731 2006 60 grade 472 ... I would need to know what percentage of occasions when the score is 60 grade does it lead to a good score. I…
1 answer

ssis literal single string qoute around a date

I would like to know how to put a single quote around a ssis variable. This is my ssis expression "INSERT INTO LOGS.LOG_FILES VALUES("+(DT_WSTR,29) @[User::Row_Count] +","+SUBSTRING((DT_STR,30, 1252) GETDATE(), 1, 19)+")" This is my output or…
Amar Ch
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3 answers

Teradata SELECT Failed: [2663] SUBSTR: string subscript out of bounds

I have below piece of code which is failing. ,COALESCE(SAP.LAST_NAME, SUBSTR(PERSON_DIM.PERSON_NAME, 1,INDEX(PERSON_DIM.PERSON_NAME,',' )-1)) AS Lastname Error: SELECT Failed: [2663] SUBSTR: string subscript out of bounds in PERSON_NAME i…
2 answers

Conversion of merge statement to MYSQL using on duplicate key

Please suggest how to convert this teradata statement in MYSQL. As we know mysql doesn't support merge statement. Below 2 tables are also being used in select query and we have multiple primary key in each table. MERGE INTO XYZ USING ( …
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confusion on unique key vs PK

hi guys I have a one question. I searched and google for ok abs unique key concepts. But got some confusion. There can be only one PK in a table but can have multiple unique index right. So, does this mean one one column in a table will be the PK…
2 answers

Keeping only rows with highest amount value

I would like to know how to select the users having greatest amount and their corresponding model.For each user I have many emails. The dataset looks like User Email Model Amount 1 name1 1 -2000 1 name11 1 -300 1 name12 3 …
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1 answer

How to bulk import a CSV or a TXT file trough command into a Teradata database

I'm using the following command in SQL Server to create a temporary table, then import values from a CSV file, then consult all those values. I'm looking for a similar way of doing this exact thing but in Teradata Database. Any import wizard tool…
2 answers

Running Count within Date range

In Teradata I am attempting to get a running total of occurances within specified a specified date range. What I need is to find which customers had 5 or greater claims within 10 days. The sample data: Claim_ID Claim_Dt Cust_num 15087 …
S Childs
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Delete statement are working but doesn't delete rows

I want to make a delete statement on which I want to delete some articles that are in another selected table. I created the statement but when I run it, it doesn't delete something. It's running but no rows deleted. delete from article where…
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Convert Teradata-sql-query to tableau new custom query

I have a Teradata-SQL-Query that auto-created through FinBI SAP tool. I am trying to use that query in Tableau as a New Custom SQL. Due to differences in the synax I am getting an error. Below is the query that I pulled from FinBI SAP Tool.…
2 answers

Tenure Calculation with TeraData SQL

List item I have been having the hardest time converting this T-SQL to TeraData SQL. Can someone assist me with this. I would really appriecate it. I am not understanding the convertion of dates with teradata. I am super confused. A fiscal Month…
2 answers

SQL Date Range Specification, Explicit vs BETWEEN()

My understanding of SQL is that WHEN reading_start_dt BETWEEN '2020-02-09' AND '2020-02-15' is the same as WHEN reading_start_dt >= '2019-02-09' AND reading_start_dt <= '2019-02-15' But I'm getting completely different ResultSets when the only…
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