Questions tagged [tcserver]

Pivotal tc Server is a 100%-compatible drop-in replacement for Apache Tomcat.

tc Server is a commercial application container that provides a lightweight, scaleable application container for and apps based on , coupled with application performance management via , session state cache and cache via , connectivity, and 24/7 technical support backed by Apache Tomcat committers.

tc Server runs on virtual and cloud-based environments, including , , , and , and on a range of operating systems, including , , , and . tc Server can be installed via , and , and can be monitored using .

tc Server’s 100 percent binary application compatibility with Apache Tomcat ensures a seamless migration path for applications currently certified for Tomcat.

Product page:

105 questions
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Solution required for Java JMX RMI Accessible with Common Credentials (Unauthenticated check)

I need help in resolving below vulnerability. We have this in our tomcat instance running version 7 and Java "1.8.0_242". It was detected in 1099 port. This RMI port is not configured in any configuration file as its default port and also I am not…
1 answer

How to add Web module in STS 4?

I have projects which has a war file in it, but unable to add web modules in it. I have installed the plugin in my STS 4, plugin name - Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools 3.13. I have refered the below question How to add web project module in…
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Spring Tool Suite 4 - is Pivotal tc server deprecated?

I was using STS3 and decided to move to STS4. I got it set up and I imported my projects from the STS3 workspace. These mostly made the transition OK, as I am just learning some basic things, mostly what I have is STS "getting started guides" sorts…
charles ross
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Unable to run the project in pivotal tc server 3.2

When I try to my project run on server in STS, it shows me the window as this, And errors in STS like: java.lang.Error: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to initialize component [StandardServer[-1]] at…
2 answers

Unable create tc server instance on sts 4

Creating server from server window in sts gives me this error. I am choosing base template to create server. I also tried using cmd with admin rights, still same error. Error Details:create command failed. String runtimes not valid version format.…
1 answer

Where is the jar that contains com.springsource.tcserver.serviceability.logging.TcServerLogManager?

I have a TC server instance that works fine, however, a different instance created from the same template craps out with: Could not load Logmanager…
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Could not find method getJMSDestination in class

We are getting below INFO message at splunk. [00004390] debug [java ] [messaging ] Could not find method getJMSDestination in class I googled it but couldn't get proper clarity.…
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PooledConnection.connectUsingDriver Not loading a JDBC driver as driverClassName property is null

My web project has developed using spring 4.2.5.RELEASE and Hibernate 4.3.5.Final . My Project POM also has below dependency ojdbc6
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how to set x-client-cert header in tcserver or F5?

Each request from the client must have the certificate in the header for it to successfully access the web service. The web service looks for it under the header name x-client-cert. Can someone guide me on how one can set x-client-cert header with…
0 answers

Pivotal server is hanging when trying to start

The computer is Windows7 64bit Family Edition. I unzipped the downloaded Spring-Tool-Suite 3.8.1 , there are jdk 1.8 and jre 1.6 , java_home is on jre 1.6 because the Spring project java runtime build path is 1.6 I imported a project , built it and…
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how to debug TC pivotal server

I have a SPRING WEB project which I imported from nearly the same environnement and it was working perfectly. When I imported it to the current PC it didn't work. this is what the pivotal server says : févr. 28, 2017 10:56:07 AM…
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Target runtime Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition (Runtime) v3.0 is not defined

I have imported a project in STS(spring tool suite) developed in spring framework. Now, I am facing a problem called "Target runtime Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition (Runtime) v3.0 is not defined."
Kamrul Apro
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Spring Tool Suite 3.8.2 - Installation on Ubuntu

I managed to install STS 3.8.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 - with a lot of hacking experiments. I have it working, but I am not happy with my solution. Here is what I had to do: Extracted the tar file into /opt/sts-bundle. If you put it anywhere else, like…
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Does Spring Insight no longer exists

I've downloaded a few versions of STS and the latest tcServer developer edition. None of these packages have the Insight template available. The instructions on how to create a tcServer to do this spring profiling is dead simple. It just doesn't…
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How to automate TC Server war deployment

I download TC server STANDARD edition on my computer because this is the installed one on QA servers. My final goal is to write a maven task to deploy a war app in a distant tc server's instance. Because of the use of the standard edition, tomcat…
Nils Renaud
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