Questions tagged [tcserver]

Pivotal tc Server is a 100%-compatible drop-in replacement for Apache Tomcat.

tc Server is a commercial application container that provides a lightweight, scaleable application container for and apps based on , coupled with application performance management via , session state cache and cache via , connectivity, and 24/7 technical support backed by Apache Tomcat committers.

tc Server runs on virtual and cloud-based environments, including , , , and , and on a range of operating systems, including , , , and . tc Server can be installed via , and , and can be monitored using .

tc Server’s 100 percent binary application compatibility with Apache Tomcat ensures a seamless migration path for applications currently certified for Tomcat.

Product page:

105 questions
1 answer

How to deploy my web application on tc server?

I have a war file. before deploying on tc server, I successfully deployed on tomcat : Copy the war in webapps folder, copy mysql connector in libs folder. 2.Configure server.xml Now on pivotal tc server developer edition 3.0.0, I have created an…
Harsh M
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Issues setting up kerberos with tc server

tc server on red hat linux I have been trying to follow this example: AD service account setup setspn and ktpass commands executed to create spn and keytab If I use the mapuser option…
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2 answers

STS 3.6.1 on Windows using JDK 7 or 8: "No server selected" error

I run STS 3.6.1 on Windows 7 under either Java 7 or Java 8 JDK. The "Pivotal tc Server Developer Editions v3.0" is created fine, using tc Server Developer Edition v3.0 and Tomcat 8. It runs fine. However, I cannot edit the runtime configuration. In…
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0 answers

log4j timestamps are inconsistent and growing worse

I'm seeing gradually diverging timestamp values in the log output of log4j from tcserver on my RHEL 5.5 system. The system clock says it is 12:28:11, yet the logs range as far as an hour earlier. This is a VM, with no ntp daemon but with…
1 answer

Cannot start my Spring application on tcServer from SpringTools

Unfortunately I am quite new to Spring development so cannot explain in great detail the problem but this is what I am having trouble with. I have an existing Spring application, it compiles and it works when deployed to tomcat 6 ether from Spring…
Igor Čordaš
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Does TC server has EJB support

We have an application in JBOSS. The application has a jar which has an abstract class and the class uses EJB. One of the classes is extending that abstract class. The application works fine in JBOSS and it is a SOAP service application. I need to…
1 answer

deploying a rails application on TC server

ok so here is my problem. I have a rails application deployed on TC server. I have a .WAR file and the server is able to render data reading through the WEB-INF. I have something like this on my view <%= f.label :username%> <%= f.text_field…
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POST method getting converted to GET on SpringSource tc Server

I am using a simple html/javascript to post data to a servlet running on SpringSource tc Server, on first click the request is received as a GET rather than a POST, but on subsequent clicks servlet does receive a POST request. why is the request…
2 answers

How do I run a web application using SpringSource Toolsuite?

I'd like to run my Spring application using STS, but I have no idea how to do that. I see the tc server instance, and I can run it, but this does not start my application. I've tried dragging my project workspace onto it, but that hasn't worked…
Fire Emblem
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Unable to deploy Roo web-app to localhost when offline, using SpringSource Tool Suite, 2.8.1.RELEASE

I'm trying to deploy (Run as->Run on Server) a basic Roo web-app (MVC + JSON + HIBERNATE) using STS 2.8.1, Windows 7 Professional/SP1, 64-bit. Cases: It won't deploy when I boot without an internet connection. It will deploy when I have an internet…
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How to debug spring-social-showcase?

I have downloaded spring-social-showcase project. I can run the project in command prompt using mvn tomcat:run. I can browse the project in url typing http://localhost:8080/spring-social-showcase. How can I debug the project? I also can not run the…
1 answer

How do I increase the permgem space in springsource tc server?

I get the Java out of memory error when deploying using springsourcetool (STS). Googling and searching here on SO, the suggestions have been to increase the permgem space. However, most of the instructions are for tomcat. I use STS and therefore,…
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How SpringSource Toolsuite start its tc instance?

What in hell happened under the hood, if I click the green 'Start the Server' button within the STS servers view ? I thought, the underlying CATALINA_HOME/bin/ is started, but it seems thats not the case. I can comment the line starting…
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How to configure tc server 4 in IntelliJ for debugging mode?

I'm working on a project using tc server 4 and I'm using IntelliJ as IDE. The application is running successfully in the server while I use the command line to start/stop server. But I wanted to enable debugging mode in IntelliJ in case I need to…
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Eclipse Publish to server fails repeatedly and then succeeds

This is a question out of curiosity more than need. I am working on a Java / Spring Boot / AngularJS app and publishing to a local TC Server instance. Most of the time when I right-click on my server and choose Publish, it succeeds without error and…
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