Questions tagged [talend]

Talend is an open source integration vendor that provides software for data integration, data quality, master data management, big data, business process management and service-oriented architecture.

Talend offers integration software along six axes:

  • Data Integration (ETL and ELT)
  • Data Quality (Profiling, Cleansing, Stewardship)
  • Master Data Management
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB - SOA)
  • Big Data

For each of these domains, Talend offers a freely downloadable version of their software licensed under GPL, and an extended enterprise version that comes under a subscription license but also includes access to the source code if desired.

On the open source side, the product list is:

  • "Talend Open Studio for Data Integration"
  • "Talend Open Studio for Data Quality"
  • "Talend Open Studion for MDM" - Master Data Management
  • "Talend Open Studio for ESB" and "Talend ESB Standard Edition" - Enterprise Service Bus
  • "Talend Open Studio for Big Data"
  • "Talend Data Preparation Free Desktop"
  • "Talend Data Streams Free Edition"
2486 questions
3 answers

Talend - generating n multiple rows from 1 row

Background: I'm using Talend to do something (I guess) that is pretty common: generating multiple rows from one. For example: ID | Name | DateFrom | DateTo 01 | Marco| 01/01/2014 | 04/01/2014 ...could be split into: new_ID | ID | Name |…
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3 answers

How to create multiple output files in Talend based on a column from an SQL Input

I have a need of creating multiple output files based on a value (column) from an sql input in Talend Open Studio. My tMSSQLInput returns about 50,000 rows in which where one of the columns is the building_name Building A Building B Building…
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1 answer

Running parallel jobs in talend

I have a situation where i need to run five different child jobs in talend in parallel. Problem is that, in my select query i would be getting five different ID's and then for each particular id , i need to run five different jobs. Problem with…
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1 answer

Talend Open Studio For MDM + Postgresql + synchronization of two databases

I have two database A and B(replica of A) now one live web application is entering data into A now i want that the entries done in A should be reflected in B.(i.e the changes in A should automatically reflect in B). My sole purpose is synchronizing…
2 answers

How to select distinct values in a column in Talend

I am importing an excel file in Talend. I want to select all the distinct values in column "A" and then dump that data into the database. Is it possible to do that with Talend? If not, what are the alternatives available. Any help is appreciated
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3 answers

How to log progress of tasks in Talend Open Studio?

I have some sample jobs that migrate data from one database to another and I would like to have some information about the current progress, like the one you have when the job is run interactively from the application itself (I export and run it…
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1 answer

Expose Talend ETL Job as a Web Service

I am currently evaluating Talend ETL (Talend Open Studio for Data Integration). I would like to know how / if i can expose an ETL Job as a Web Service. I know i can export jobs as web services and invoke them through a specific URL however, my goal…
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4 answers

Quickstart database migration using Talend

I have this requirement to migrate a live SQL server 2008 to MySQL server 5, I have tried the MySQL migration toolkit but its throwing lots of migration errors. Someone here in Stackoverflow suggested that I use Talend. I installed Talend Open…
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1 answer

Data integration for Magento to Quick Book

I'm currently new to Talend and I'm learning through videos and documentation, so I'm just not sure how to approach/implement this with best practices. Goal Integrate Magento and Quick Book using Talend. My thoughts Initially my first thought was I…
Indrajeet Latthe
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1 answer

Talend Extract Json String As Key value Array

Hi I work with Talend ESB 7.2 and i try to work on tRest Response I have Already extract the Json using the tJsonExtractField In "metas" field i have a another json String and I try to extract this String as array (with key value…
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1 answer

HBase [ERROR]: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess - Cannot get replica 0 location for

I have this error when I try to load data into my HBase table with my Talend Job: [ERROR]: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess - Cannot get replica 0 location for…
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1 answer

What is the difference between .ini and .properties files in relevance to Talend?

.properties file extension is used for loading context variables through a file in Talend. In tFileProperties, while selecting the file format for parameter file, we have a drop down of .properties and .ini extension also. I want to know what is…
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2 answers

talend - specify jndi as datasource

I have a talend job that uses tOracleInput component with connection type of ORACLE CUSTOM. It is working well. Now, I have a requirement to use jndi as the database connection. Any ideas how can this be achieved?
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2 answers

receiving batch error running an update on talend into PostgreSQL database

I have a talend solution where inside it rests a tMap --> tPostgreSQLOutput. Inside the schema is a integer(key field) and a Date(Timestamp) in the format of "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss". The intent is to update the date field with the current time/date…
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1 answer

Open source tool to extract data from Temenos T24

Is there an open source tool to extract data from a T24 system to a SQL database? Or maybe a connector for Talend? Thank you
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