Questions tagged [tablesort]

24 questions
3 answers

Angular table-sort and drag and drop table row conflict

I am using angular table-sort and angular drag-drop in my project. When I am dragging a row and trying to drop it to another row, then table sort forcefully sort the rows to their previous position. If I remove the table sort directive ts-repeat,…
Tahsin Abrar
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1 answer

JQuery Table Sort issue - Skipping column disables first mouse click

I have created a basic table in js fiddle. I am using the datatable sorter function, however if you click along the headers, or click a header, skip one and click another, it seems to ignore the first mouse-click. (To replicate the issue click on…
3 answers

Jquery sort table data with numbers

Jquery sort table data with numbers I have sorted this table in ascending order but I want it in order of a1,a2,a3,a11. Can anyone help, please? function sortTable(table, order) { var asc = order === 'asc', tbody =…
vaishali kapadia
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2 answers

Select and sort a column in a table using Javascript

I want to select a particular column of a table and sort it accordingly using Javascript (No frameworks or plugins). Could anyone help me regarding this? …
Sai Chandra
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0 answers

How to solve the type error while sorting in react with typescript?

I Am trying to sort a table with the list which is retrieving through API. I am doing this in react + typescript. I am facing the type error. Kindly, help me. Below is my code. So by hovering on Name , Type , Color this should sort but sorting is…
1 answer

I'm having problems creating a Dynamic Table?

For a research project I have to create a dynamic table using JavaScript. I asked some friends for help but since nigher them nor I is a computer scientist (or anything in that direction), I only know that it's good to use AJAX and DOM. And using…
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how to sort directories above files in php

For a filemanagement, I used to render the folders and files with scandir and a foreach and sort them: Directories first, then Files $files = array_diff( scandir($dir), array(".", "..", "tmp") ); usort ($files, create_function ('$a,$b', ' …
mudraya katusha
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1 answer

how to sort folders and files in a table with jquery javascript

For a filemanagement, I have 2 columns: name in which are Folders(directories) and Files extension which give me the extension of the files (folders empty extension) When I click on the name, it sorts the files and folders alphabetically. But it…
mudraya katusha
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2 answers

Semantic-UI Table, persistent sort

Is there a way to make Semantic-UI Table sort to be persistent across multiple component re-renders. For example if I sort ascending by column "Name" is there a way to make this sort stay applied even when my table parent component re-renders ? Is…
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I am using this tablesorter: However, when I view this page I'm not able to sort the columns. Chrome dev tools shows Uncaught Error: Element must be a table at new Tablesort (tablesort.js:6) at…
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1 answer

How do I reorder many tables according to their caption?

I would like to reorder many tables in alphabetical sort according to their respective caption. Example : Currently, I have: table with caption "PHP" table with caption "Javascript" table with caption "Android" I would like to see: table with…
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1 answer

Keep table sort result after page refresh?

I'm using the table sorter from w3.js( Also, I have used setTimeout to refresh page per minute for updating data. I want to keep the sorting result after refreshing page. I know there's a…
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1 answer

tablesorter plugin, i am not able to make it work

i am new to coding and i dnt know my issue might be simple, but i have started to learn coding recently. for my simple application i want to sort table and have a search box for it. i have tried downloading latest jquery.tablesorter.js, …
bharath c
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0 answers

Modifying table with javascript that is using Matt Kruse's table sort

Over many years, I have found Matt Kruse's Table Sort to be a great solution for sorting and filtering tables, but my current requirement has me hiding/restoring columns dynamically (radio buttons, using javascript), and this seems to corrupt the…
Peter F
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0 answers

Table column sorting and toggling of image

This is HTML snippet View of table header with the arrow definedThis image shows the arrow postion in the columns