Questions tagged [tableau-api]

For software development questions related to the use of developer API for Tableau Software, a family of interactive data visualization products

Tableau Software is a family of interactive data visualization products focused on business intelligence. There is also a developer API for creating data extract files, and a developer API for JavaScript interaction, which provides more custom ways to interact with Tableau reports.

Main Features:

  • Connect to a large variety of data sources, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Teradata, BigQuery, Redshift, Google Analytics and Salesforce.
  • Has option to extract data to a Tableau format (tde), which is a columnar database, with good compression and high performance.
  • Drag and drop environment, little or no SQL knowledge necessary to perform most of the tasks.
  • Large set of reports available, and options to create very interactive dashboards, such as custom parameters, using charts as filter for other charts, interactive filters
  • Tableau Server allows users to have access to reports via web browser.
  • Tableau Public provides free hosting of publicly-accessible reports with limited features.

When posting questions, Tableau Public is an invaluable resource. Problematic workbooks (or example workbooks demonstrating the issues in question) can be published here to help answerers find the problem more quickly and give a more thorough solution.

In addition to Stack Overflow, a good place to get solutions to Tableau questions is on the vendor's forum.

4956 questions
1 answer

Tableau Desktop: How to add data labels to the box plot?

I created a box plot in Tableau Desktop 8.1, but I couldn't figure out how to show data labels for median, 25% and 75%. I was able to show the min and max. Anyone know a solution that is not manual? Thanks!
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2 answers

Subprocess run, check_output, Popen returns empty string when I run the script from a batch file and from Task Scheduler

I have a batch file which is running a python script and in the python script, I have a subprocess function which is being ran. I have tried subprocess.check_output,, subprocess.Popen, all of them returns me an empty string only when…
Jonathan Lam
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3 answers

How to convert a Tableau .hyper File to a pandas dataframe?

I want to convert a Tableau .hyper file to a pandas dataframe. It is possible to convert a dataframe to a .hyper file, but unfortunately, I could not come up with a solution for this problem. How can you achieve this with python?
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Tableau json format

In Tableau Public's documentation one can read that A single JSON object cannot exceed 128 MB. When a single object top-level array exceeds 128 MB, you must convert it to a file where the JSON objects are defined one per line. When trying to…
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1 answer

Convert JSON records in PostgreSQL into a Table

I have a table_1 in PostgreSQL with column_1 and several records in the column containing a nested json with the following structure: {"parent_1": { "child_1": [10.477058081076123, 12.570963520289965, 11.74866851427825], "child_2":…
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How to sort by any measure in a Tableau table

I've built a new worksheet that has two dimensions and several facts. When I try to sort on any column, it only seems to sort within the dimensions. Is it possible to sort based on the column, ignoring dimensions? I find if I concatenate the two…
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1 answer

How to avoid aggregation of measure values in tableau

I'm trying to retrieve and analyze records from SQL server. Whenever I drag the measure values to rows field it gets auto aggregating itself in tableau. I dont want this aggregation to be done since my values doesn't make sense when it gets…
Gowtham Ramamoorthy
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1 answer

How to collapse a sub-section in tableau crosstab

I have the following pivot table: Is there a way to collapse the "Type" section, so I only have three rows: Movie TV Episode Grand Total Basically, I'd like to be able to expand each section by clicking into it. Otherwise I'll have thousands of…
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In which case PERMISSION_DENIED error occurs in tableau SDK?

I am using tableau java SDK version 10.0 and I tried to publish the datasource in the sample project which is not belong to that user, I got SERVER_ERROR instead of PERMISSION_DENIED error e.g Sample project belongs to sample users (user1, user2)…
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1 answer

Count the number of instances of values across multiple dimensions in Tableau

I'm currently looking to count the number of instances a values shared across multiple dimensions. For example, say I have the following set of data: And I want to return something like: But ideally in the form of a bar graph. I want to keep the…
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4 answers

Count the number of occurrences of Null in a column in tableau

I am relatively new to Tableau and I am wondering if there is a way to calculate null values in a column. I have a column called Email of type string and want to know how many people have not entered their email i.e. Null. I tried to create a…
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2 answers

BigQuery Credential Problems when Accessing Google Sheets Federated Table

I defined a table as a federated table which refers to a google sheet. It works perfectly well when I query it from the google bigquery web UI. However, if I try to query it using the Tableau Software BigQuery driver, I get the following error…
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1 answer

How to customize bullet charts in Tableau

We test people and then provide analysis for managers and HR teams. I have a chart that I created in Excel which I am struggling (as a novice) to recreate in Tableau. I started with bullet charts but the problem I had with that is that the bands…
1 answer

Tableau Javascript API HTTPS isn't working

I am trying to embed a report onto my website but getting the following error Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ''.…
1 answer

Comparing two histograms within the same chart in tableau

I have a histogram of my entire dataset that I want to compare to a histogram of a filtered subset of that data. I can do this in two separate sheets, and then show them side by side in a dashboard. Is there any way to combine these two histograms…
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