Questions tagged [sysadmin]

For creating or editing programs that perform system administration tasks. Non-programming questions (including those about system administration operations or sysadmin tools) generally belong on Super User or Server Fault.

571 questions
20 answers

How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?

I have to run a local shell script (windows/Linux) on a remote machine. I have SSH configured on both machine A and B. My script is on machine A which will run some of my code on a remote machine, machine B. The local and remote computers can be…
13 answers

How can I delete a service in Windows?

I have a couple old services that I want to completely uninstall. How can I do this?
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5 answers

How to find out what group a given user has?

In Unix/Linux, how do you find out what group a given user is in via command line?
Alex Argo
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3 answers

Crontab Day of the Week syntax

In crontab does the Day of the Week field run from 0 - 6 or 1 -7? I am seeing conflicting information on this. wikipedia states 0-6 and other sites I have seen are 1-7. Also what would be the implication or either using 0 or 7 incorrectly? i.e.…
Marty Wallace
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16 answers

Tracking CPU and Memory usage per process

I suspect that one of my applications eats more CPU cycles than I want it to. The problem is - it happens in bursts, and just looking at the task manager doesn't help me as it shows immediate usage only. Is there a way (on Windows) to track the…
Eli Bendersky
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6 answers

Locate the nginx.conf file my nginx is actually using

Working on a client's server where there are two different versions of nginx installed. I think one of them was installed with the brew package manager (its an osx box) and the other seems to have been compiled and installed with the nginx packaged…
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8 answers

Best practice to run Linux service as a different user

Services default to starting as root at boot time on my RHEL box. If I recall correctly, the same is true for other Linux distros which use the init scripts in /etc/init.d. What do you think is the best way to instead have the processes run as a…
James Brady
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6 answers

lsof survival guide

lsof is an increadibly powerful command-line utility for unix systems. It lists open files, displaying information about them. And since most everything is a file on unix systems, lsof can give sysadmins a ton of useful diagnostic data. What are…
Hans Sjunnesson
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9 answers

Calling JMX MBean method from a shell script

Are there any libraries that would allow me to call a JMX MBean method from a shell script. We expose some operations/admin commands through JMX, and we could have our admins use JConsole, or VisualVM, but some tasks are better left to automation.…
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13 answers

How do I daemonize an arbitrary script in unix?

I'd like a daemonizer that can turn an arbitrary, generic script or command into a daemon. There are two common cases I'd like to deal with: I have a script that should run forever. If it ever dies (or on reboot), restart it. Don't let there ever…
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7 answers

How is it possible that kill -9 for a process on Linux has no effect?

I'm writing a plugin to highlight text strings automatically as you visit a web site. It's like the highlight search results but automatic and for many words; it could be used for people with allergies to make words really stand out, for example,…
Aaron Digulla
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3 answers

How do I add a user in Ubuntu?

Specifically, what commands do I run from the terminal?
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5 answers

How do I make cron run something every "N"th minute, where n % 5 == 1?

I know that I can have something run every five minutes in cron with a line like: */5 * * * * /my/script What if I don't want it running at 12:00, 12:05, 12:10, but rather at 12:01, 12:06, 12:11, etc? I guess I can do this: …
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2 answers

What are the limitations of the flask built-in web server

I'm a newbie in web server administration. I've read multiple times that flask built-in web server is not designed for "production", and must be used only for tests and debug... But what if my app touchs only a thousand users who occasionnaly send…
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4 answers

Free DNS server for Windows XP/Vista/Win7?

I'm currently developing a security solution that should work across domains and as such I need a small private dns server to add various entries to. I could alter the hosts file to achieve the same result but since the hosts file doesn't support…
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