Questions tagged [synth]

Synth is the name of a Look-and-Feel in Java Swing. For questions about sound and music, it is recommended that you use the 'synthesizer' tag instead.

Synth is a special look-and-feel provided by Swing which is completely unstyled by default, but can be customized using an XML configuration or by extending the code. It is essentially a 'skin' for Java applications.

See also:

86 questions
1 answer

How can I change the arrow style in a JComboBox

Let's say I want to use a custom image for the arrow in JComboBox, how can I do this? I understand it's possible using the synth xml files, or maybe even UIManager.put(...), but I don't know how. All I want to do at this time is change the arrow…
Stephane Grenier
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2 answers

Non-opaque JButton background in non top level window becomes opaque?

Before you read, here are some clarifications on what the question is about: The SSCCE is designed for Java 7. It would be possible to use sun.*.AWTUtilities to adapt it to Java 6, but it does not matter to me how it works on Java 6. The faulting…
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Insets for custom Synth look and feel

I'm implementing a custom Look & Feel using Synth for my application - basically providing custom versions of SynthStyle, SynthPainter and SynthStyleFactory. I am not using any XML, i.e. everything is done through the Java API. In general this is…
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Default button input map in a synth look and feel?

I am trying to use the UIManager to get and clear some default key bindings so that the spacebar doesn't activate my JButtons, as explained here. Problem is, likely due to my synth look and feel, (InputMap)UIManager.get("Button.focusInputMap");…
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1 answer

Swing Font Rendering

I am developing a Java swing Application with a Synth look and feel. The application has a background image that contains some text, and I need some 'active' text (text in a JLabel) above this background layer. However, the font I have chosen…
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Swing - Custom Buttons w/Synth

I am working on a project using Synth for the UI and want to implement some custom buttons. The buttons need to make use of style settings from a synth XML settings file - e.g. font colors which are different for different states (MOUSE_OVER,…
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1 answer

Synth Look and Feel - Is it possible to write xml to do both general and specified customization?

Synth provides a way to use xml to customize java swing look and feel. From my understanding, it could do general customization. For example: General JButton: set its font, background, foreground ... to all buttons (synth could do this) but i also…
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1 answer

Setting custom look and feel on specific Swing components

Is it possible to set the file used for the Synth look and feel of just a specific component or set of components on a Swing GUI without changing it for any of the other components?
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Java synth - How to bind custom editors for combo?

I am working on skinning a Combobox. A combobox is made up of multiple subcomponents one of which is a editor. I have written a custom editor which has some custom functions and i have used combobox.setEditor(new CustomComboEditor()) to set the…
1 answer

Change icon of JComboBox arrow button

Thanks for reply but this what i want to do: When a key is pressed in an editable combobox, I want the popup menu of the jcombobox to appear automatically, and get the text written in it, but when I changed the icon of the arrow button,the icon…
Calm Sea
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2 answers

Synth - setting background to JFrame

I'm creating an app in Java using Swing and Synth. I want to set image background to JFrame using Synth. How to do it?
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1 answer

How do I go about setting the exact style for tabs in a JTabbedPane?

I have looked around and I cannot figure out how to do it. Should I use the Synth look & feel? How would I go about doing this?
Dara Java
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1 answer

How to change button text color and background color while button is pressed

I'm trying to change the button background color and text (foreground) color while the mouse button is pressed, using Swing UI in Java. My main class is pretty simple and straightforward: public class Main { public static void main(String[]…
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0 answers

Programatically make a JSlider look "pressed"

so I have a JSlider that has a custom synth look and feel, that looks like this (in xml):
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Java-LAF: How to create Decoration using Synth-XML?

I'm trying to create a custom Look-And-Feel using the Synth-Framework. I successfully used a tutorial ( Look-And-Feel Tutorial by Oracle/Sun ) to experiment,and managed to skin Buttons, Panels etc. The problem i have now is,that i want to decorate…
Martin Weber
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