Questions tagged [sync]

Sync is a synonym for Synchronization, which refers to using controls to maintain a coherent representation, either a group of processes running the same program (process synchronization), or representations of data (data synchronization).

In computer science, sync, or synchronization, refers to one of two distinct but related concepts: synchronization of processes, and synchronization of data.


1834 questions
1 answer

In SymmetricDS file synchronization, Set the target base dir path dynamically by fetching from the database bean shell script

I'm using SymmetricDS for doing file synchronization between client and server node, I want to fetch the file sync target path from my database or file which is different for each client node. I researched about it and find out that we can use shell…
2 answers

How to sync a azure sql database into windows phone 8 local database?

I need to sync an azure database into my windows phone 8 application's local database. New data is only inserted into azure database. So it is kind of one way synchronization. How can I do it? Kindly inform me.
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Download a file shared on dropbox only if it's modified after the last download

A bit more context. There is a bibtex file shared by a collaborator on Dropbox. The file might be frequently modified. I wrote a makefile so that the bibtex file is downloaded every time I compile the tex files. My question is, is it possible to…
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Unable to delete gmail contacts group android

I've been trying to delete all the contact group using this code private void deletaAllInGroup(Context context, long groupId) throws RemoteException, OperationApplicationException{ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); …
Noaman Akram
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Sparkfun Ethernet Shield knocks out upload to board sync, though it worked before

Existing Arduino project uses Arduino brand Duemilanove and Ethernet shield. It has worked well in operation for 4yrs (!) and then through a period of revisions I've been making just recently. I'm putting it back into service, but want to continue…
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Sync Visual Studio 2008 solution folder structure with file system structure

A I mentioned Visual Studio cannot treat solution folder as real folder on disc. How can I deal, if I want to sync VS2008 solution folders with file system structure? Should/Can I edit solution file manually? Is there 3rd party tools with…
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Convert async event to sync event

I have an ActiveX control in a Delphi project. It features a function that calculates certain value. The trouble is that the result of calculation is provided in an event that is triggered asynchronously. I would rather prefer to make a call to this…
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Sync Mail to MySQL

I've been given the task to synchronize our mail to our MySQL database. Is there an easy way that I can do this? Or can you guys suggest any software available for this? Thank You.
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android database to oracle database

Can someone give me an idea or point me in the right direction about following matter: I need to make android app that will do some things with remote oracle database (take some data, insert some data, ...). I can do that, but the trick is, app…
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How can i synchronize this code using barrier?

I am writing a parallel program for implementing matrix multiplication. In the main function, I first created a pool of threads(=num_threads) and then implement the function mult on each of the threads. Each of these threads is responsible for…
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Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook 2013

I am using business google accounts and I would use them with Microsoft Office 2013, for this purpose I have downloaded the "Google Apps sync for Microsoft Outlook" 2013 I am using my accounts on different computers with different office's versions…
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How to sync system clock with global date/time?

My system clock is going crazy randomly at any moment and changing the system clock's date/time to a random one. It's not the lithium battery nor a virus because I checked. Also it's not something from the Windows.System.Time itself. I want to…
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2 answers

"sync" command over NFS

I'm working on a backup system over NFS, and I want to ensure as much as I can that the files are really written to the disk. Currently, when doing backups on my local hard disk, I copy everything into a temporary folder, do a sync() to flush the…
3 answers

How to make "Ext.getCmp('CompId').setLoading(true);" executed sequentially (synchronous) in Sencha Ext JS

I want to ask some stuff about Sencha Ext JS. It is about command setLoading in Ext JS to make masking for specified Component. How to make it run synchronously, so the other JavaScript command behind this will only run after it finishes. I have…
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I want values from one table to sync with another table values

I have two tables which is appointment and prescription. Both have relationship with each other. On prescription form, I use left outer join code to display the aDate field from appointment table. The problem is it won't auto sync with appointment…
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