Questions tagged [diskcache]

DiskCache is an Apache2 licensed disk and file backed cache library, written in pure-Python, and compatible with Django.

44 questions
3 answers

Volley out of memory error, weird allocation attempt

Sometimes randomly Volley crashes my app upon startup, it crashes in the application class and a user would not be able to open the app again until they go into settings and clear app data java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at…
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3 answers

How to cache package manager downloads for docker builds?

If I run composer install from my host, I hit my local composer cache: - Installing deft/iso3166-utility (1.0.0) Loading from cache Yet when building a container having in its Dockerfile: RUN composer install -n -o --no-dev I download all…
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3 answers

How to revert bcache device to regular device

I have a 20 gb SSD device on my laptop that i decided to try bcache on. It seemed to work, but for some time now, I've been getting an error on boot: error on 0f3bbb55-6839-4ed6-8127-7976a969f726: corrupted btree at bucket 17571, block 483, 61 keys,…
Greg Michalec
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1 answer

How is Alamofireimage saving the image to disk cache?

I am trying to find out if it's possible to force an image to be saved on disk with Alamofireimage. Looking at the source code, I cannot locate where it is actually saving the image to the disk. Does anyone know?
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Do containers use the same OS disk cache?

When running multiple containers on single server, does each container have its own OS disk cache? Or is the OS disk cache shared between all containers? Is the answer different when there are multiple physical disks, and any one disk is only used…
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What is DiskCache in android, is it different from Physical harddisk space?

Hi iam using a library called Picasso in android for displaying the images in a Recycer view, its saying that it will cace the images in diskcache, what is diskcache? can we see what files are stored in it programmatically?
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1 answer

How disk cache in OrientDB is separated by read and write cache (percentages)

I found out from the Docs that, given 100% usage of disk cache by orientdb, it uses a maximum size of 70% for read cache and 30% for write cache…
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Where should my Java desktop app cache its downloaded assets?

I have a Java desktop application that downloads tens to hundreds of MB of image and music data as part of its normal operation. It maintains a disk cache of this data. If part or all of the cache is removed, the app will notice and re-download…
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1 answer

How to tell web-browser client to always check for latest version of website code

I have web-site build with angular that is hosted on cloudflare. When I push new version of application on server, I see from dev computer that browser uses old (from disk-cache) version of files. Because it uses previous versions of index.html,…
2 answers

Is it safe for two threads to write identical content to the same file?

Suppose a program has a caching mechanism where, at the end of some specific calculation, the program writes the output of that calculation to the disk to avoid re-computing it later, when the program is re-ran. It does so for a large number of…
0 answers

AVPlayer not starting until cell is recycled

I have a UITableView that I am using to render out tweets that contain gifs. These are returned from Twitter as MP4's so I am using AVPlayer. Using HanekeSwift I am caching the item and then playing it in the tableview. The issue I am having is that…
Tim J
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Hard disk reading file speed exceeds declared speed. Reading via FileStream

I'm reading file 800 Mb via FileStream (.NET 3.5, Console application). The hard drive has SATA 3 bus (600 Mb/s), but I can't figure out: why the time to read the file is only 486 ms. Things get even worse when I try to read it asynchronously - it…
Alexey Khrenov
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3 answers

bash while loop through a file doesn't end when the file is deleted

I have a while loop in a bash script: Example: while read LINE do echo $LINE >> $log_file done < ./sample_file My question is why when I delete the sample_file while the script is running the loop doesn't end and I see that the log_file is…
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0 answers

Disk cache folder is empty : Qt 4.8

I'm trying to enable disk cache for my app for a better user experience. I used this Documentation as the guideline for this. I initially thought that I configured it properly since I didn't get any errors but then saw my disk cache folder is empty.…
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1 answer

DiskLRUCache for Bitmaps (and others) in Android

In android many image loading libraries (like Picasso -- which uses 2% of the storage for disk cache, Glide) use disk cache in addition to in memory lru cache. I can understand why this might be useful for images downloaded from the network -- if…
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