Questions tagged [swift3.1]

Only use this tag if your question is about a specific change introduced in `Swift 3.1`. For generic Swift questions, use the [swift] tag.

29 questions
1 answer

Moving google maps marker

I'm using Swift 3 and I want to create a moving marker in my map view, so that if the user touches the screen and moved the marker also moves with the page. How can I fix this?
0 answers

"__TFE10FoundationSS9substringfT4fromVVSS13CharacterView5Index_SS", referenced from:

When I try to use subString function to get the specific text, var str = "" let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7) str.substring(from: index) xcode Version 8.3.2 (8E2002) will prompt an error: …
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SCNPhysicsContactDelegate didBegin contact not being called - Scene Kit Swift 3

I can't find any examples of Scene Kit contact handling, more specifically, anything implementing the below function: func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didBegin contact: SCNPhysicsContact) { ... } I can't get mine working so I came…
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Parse Json auto add \ into string

My app write by Swift 3.1. And after I get a json from server and parse it into String, I got a strange append character. The string respond from server is: "name" : "nhatlee's store" but after I parse Json by code name = dict["name"] as? String I…
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Firebase setValue() works in simulator but not on device, anyone know why? iOS 10, Swift 3.1

This code saves to the Firebase database as required in the simulator but the completion handler doesn't get called on the device. Does anyone know why or of a possible fix? var customersRef : FIRDatabaseReference { return…
1 answer

binary operator |= cannot be applied to two AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions operands

Error on binary operator |= cannot be applied to two AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions operands in swift 3.1. Need help here is my code QBRTCAudioSession.instance().initialize { (configuration: QBRTCAudioSessionConfiguration) in …
Waris Shams
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Fetching particular attributes or properties in CoreData

i am using following Code to eliminate attributes while fetching from my CoreDataModel called industry. Still i am able to access those attributes which have not requested using fetchRequest.propertiesToFetch let fetchRequest =…
Shivam Kapoor
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periodic IOS crash, but I do not see any involvement of my app in crash report

About once a week I'm getting a crash like this one. Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not see any involvement of my app ("WayAndSee"). Does anybody have a hint how to proceed? Attached the crash report (which is very typically for that kind of crash), I…
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Release build crashing on Fast, Whole Module Optimization settings

I have an app which contains both swift and Objective C code and it crashes at a specific point only on release build mode if I set the optimization level to Fast, Whole Module Optimization and on log it gives me error and there are no other…
Francis F
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1 answer

Issue with file manager in swift 3.1

I have the below code that worked fine, up until the release of swift 3.1. func loadImage() { id = let fileManager = FileManager.default let imagePath = (self.getDirectoryPath() as…
David Sanford
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1 answer

Unable to upload image with parameters using alamofire 4?

While uploading an image with parameters using alamofire 4 getting the following: Alamofire.DefaultDataResponse(request: url, response: Optional( { URL: rl} { status code: 409, headers { "Cache-Control" =…
1 answer

Run Modal after async call made

I am new to Swift Mac App development, I am having troubling going from a login window to showing the main window after a login URLRequest, and making another URLRequest in the new main window. If I just go from one window without making the login…
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How to make put request parameters with image Alamofire?

I am sending request through this format to make request with parameters. But how will I sent image as multipart body with this parameters? class APIManager: NSObject { enum Router: URLRequestConvertible { static var baseURLString =…
2 answers

Updating to latest Swift version problems

I just updated to the latest version of Swift and I am getting issues with a breakpoint error. There are no errors in the console. backgroundsetting.innerColor = UIColor.rgb(fromHex: 0xB0E7D7) backgroundsetting.outterColor = UIColor.rgb(fromHex:…
Andrew Saxoni
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