Questions tagged [sw-precache]

sw-precache is a JavaScript build tool used to generate a service worker file.

The sw-precache library is a JavaScript build tool. When properly configured, it will generate a service worker file that handles precaching a web app's local, static resources, serving those resources cache-first, and keeping the cached resources up to date.

sw-precache is frequently used in conjunction with sw-toolbox, to handle both precaching of local resources and runtime caching of dynamic resources.

sw-precache's Getting Started guide explains its usage in more detail.

103 questions
1 answer

Application Cache Storage items have empty response?

I'm getting my preactjs website set up with service worker. Using the Sw-precache-plugin I'm just looking at the cache items it stores in the Cache Storage, and the entries I expected are all there but they have an empty response. I checked some…
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Service worker Failed to load resource: net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT

would you please tell me what i did wrong with my service worker installation, i have those errors appear in chrome console (see the image-1). The script resource is behind a redirect, which is disallowed. …
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2 answers

Using sw-toolbox with gulp

I read many tutorials about sw-toolbox and sw-precache. The doubt i am having is : When reading about sw-precache, i found out most tutorials are using gulp + sw-precache. Whereas in sw-toolbox case, i saw the example and syntaxes given only for…
1 answer

Workbox precache doesn't precache

I'm attempting to implement workbox to precache image and video assets on a website. I've created a service worker file. It appears to be successfully referenced and used in my application. The service worker: import { clientsClaim,…
1 answer

Precaching with service worker, why does it matter? What did I miss?

I was looking at service worker practices and workbox. There are many articles talking about precaching, workbox even provides special method precachingAndRoute() for just that. I guess I understand the conceptual difference between precache and…
0 answers

Add custom service worker on VUE

I am working with VUE PWA and I am trying to add my own service worker. checking VUE works the service worker with the sw-precache plugin so I'm trying to import my file so when the build is done I add it and can work my own service worker but it…
0 answers

Save files in cache with sw-precache and React

Does anyone know how I can cache my APP_SHELL files using sw-precache plugin and React? The application was created with the cra command and I have managed to read my own service-worker. For the build and to take my files I have the following…
1 answer

How to precache django html templates using a service worker

I am converting my Django project to a progressive web app, and i am trying to precache my my files for them to be available offline. My problem is, I dont know how to locate my templates (e.g. homepage.html, index.html) to precache them using my…
1 answer

WorkboxSW constructor throws error Undefined

In my service worker file, I am using this code: importScripts(""); const workbox = new WorkboxSW(); But I am getting error Uncaught ReferenceError: WorkboxSW is not…
Amit Singh
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In a Service Worker install listener, why does fetch return TypeError: Failed to fetch?

Using the sw-precache utility, I created a service worker that works if I refresh the page. But initially, the fetch call returns TypeError: Failed to fetch on a file which seems to cancel the rest. Refresh gets a few more files, refresh a few more…
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sw-precache not updating and taking only cached data

Iam trying to implement networkfirst strategy using sw-precache. Now iam able to cache the data and able to serve from offline. If i change the data (i.e: changed the header from 'hello' to 'Welcome') in page not get reflecting it always taking the…
Harish Karthick
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1 answer

Run "sw-precache" command from c#

I want to generate "service-worker.js" using sw-precache from command line (cmd.exe) I run this command and output is : Total precache size is about 145 kB for 35 resources. service-worker.js has been generated with the service worker contents. When…
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sw precache - runtime caching for assets loading from different domain

I am using sw precache to manage my service worker. Let us say my site is and the service worker is running on this site and loaded by url All the css and js are being loaded from different url for optimization…
2 answers

How to use staleWhileRevalidate for workboxSW precache items?

workboxSW.precache is cacheFirst by default, is there a way to change its strategy? workboxSW.precache(myPrecacheItems); Or is there a way to define the cache name on precache items, so precache items can be overwrite by specifying route?
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Create React App - video loaded with webpack is not included in URLs to precache

I'm using sw-precachevia create-react-app to enable my app for use offline. I have a video that is loaded via webpack, but I noticed that it is not included in the generated serviceWorker's precacheConfig array. How can I force webpack / sw-precache…
Raphael Rafatpanah
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