Questions tagged [surf]

Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) is a feature detection algorithm used in many [tag:computer-vision] tasks, such as object recognition, 3D reconstruction, camera calibration, and [tag:cbir].

Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) is an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images.

SURF is billed as specifically “Speeded-Up” and “Robust” over its predecessor, the SIFT algorithm – it is based on Hessian blob detection, and eschews the more byzantine arrangements of SIFT (e.g. octaves). This visualization illustrates SURF features with circles, scaled accordingly for each feature, overlaid on the image from which they were extracted:

SURF feature overlaid

The standard standard SURF implementation, from the introductory journal article, is about an order of magnitude faster than David Lowe’s implementation of SIFT (when run in a comparable environment).

584 questions
1 answer

Rescale x-Axis in surf plot

I have a 1024 by 100 matrix. When I use the function surf it plots the data with axis limit 0 to 1024 for x, 0 to 100 for y and the entries of the matrix as z values (as expected). Now I want to keep everything in the plot the same, except for the…
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Which Is invariant to rotation, SiftFeatureDetector or SiftDescriptorExtractor?

I am using OpenCV for image recognition and I want to know whether the rotation invariance of cv::SIFT is achieved due to it's detector cv::SiftFeatureDetector or due to it's descriptor cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor. Same thing for SURF.
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Z must be a matrix, not a scalaqr or vector, matlab

I am trying to make a 3d plot but i am getting an error and im not sure how to solve it. I know that there are other questions out there similar to mine but i tried some of them and it did not work. fh = sin(x)*cos(y).^3 + 2*cos(x).^5*sin(y) [X,Y]…
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After adding SurfFeatureDetector, program giving error

I am using opencv 3.3.0 my code is #include #include #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/features2d.hpp" #include "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp" #include…
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surf algorithm is included in emgu cv 3.1 or not? if included then how i can use it.... please Explain in detail am new in Emgu cv

surf algorithm is included in Emgu CV 3.1 or not? if included then how i can use it. please Explain in detail am new in Emgu CV. Am trying to implement surf algorithm using c# but can't understand how to implement it.
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How does the box filter look like (SURF) (DoB)

I'm trying to understand how the SURF alg. works. The understanding of the integral image is clear. But how does the box filter look like in horizontal, vertikal and diagonal direction. Could some on give me an example?
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OpenCV 3.0.0 SURF Instantiation Error with LNK2019

I am attempting to implement SURF for imkage processing, but I keep getting this linking error. Which library am I missing and how do I go about solving this issue? error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol public: static struct cv::Ptr __cdecl …
Rhamy Belayachi
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OpenCV: extractor->descriptorSize() - Segfault

I'm trying to follow this tutorial for object detection but I stuck at the beginning. Until now my code is this: #include #include #include #include #include #include…
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Facial features extraction in MATLAB

I have a project in which I need to make neural network for face recognition. Inputs of network should be features of face which needs to be recognized. I searched a lot and found SURF Detector of Matlab's Computer Vision Toolbox to be the one…
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2 answers

SIFT or SURF object detection

Please help me out in finding codes for SIFT and SURF object detection. I don't know OpenCV. Where can I download codes for SIFT or SURF object detection?
1 answer

Scaling up SURF lookups

I am currently trying to recognise DVD covers in generic photos. My initial test involved using 100 DVD covers and 10 test cases of photos that contained them, and with some tweaking of the find_obj.cpp example in OpenCV I was able to get…
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Detect spots empty parking OPENCV

I want to apply a detector algorithm to detect empty areas of parking and I have read about SIFT and SURF, but I can't quite understand it. I have seen examples of comparison between two images, but that's not what I want. Could you explain about…
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how to make same size descriptors for all images

Can any one please tell me how to make descriptor's are of fix size ? because we may get different number of descriptors from different images For example If i have image of 450*550 and i am apply surf feature on it , than surf extract keypoints…
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1 answer

OpenCV SURF extractor.compute error

I use OpenCV 2.44 and Visual Studio C++ 2010 When I compile this #include #include #include #include #include #include #include…
Bogdan Eu
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